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Organic Food - Why the Fuss? (Popularity: )
Whether you have been eating organic for years, or are just getting started, we would like to share our vantage point. As proven through the growth of organic chains and the organic section at your local grocery store, this is not a standard five year health trend. According to the USDA, retail sales of organic food rose from $3.6 billion in 1997 to $21.1 billion in 2008 and we mean ...

Cow's Milk and Iron Deficiency: Why Cow's Milk May Not Be Good For Your Child (Popularity: )
As an expectant mother with persistently low haemoglobin levels, I was intrigued to discover from my own research that there is a link between cow's milk and iron deficiency anaemia. I grew up subscribing to the general wisdom that cow's milk is a rich source of calcium and iron. I was even on the school milk programme, getting my daily dose of plain and flavoured milk in pyramid-shaped packs. Yet, after ...

How to Make the Perfect Frozen Fruit Smoothie Recipe (Popularity: )
At my house, we just love frozen fruit smoothies. They are simple to make and are actually good for you. You can make these delicious cool drinks with just about any type of fruit or even combine different types of fruit. Let me explain exactly how to make a frozen fruit smoothie. It is quite simple. To Make These Amazing Smoothies You Will Need: We'll start with the equipment. You will ...

Healthy Diet On Rainy Season (Popularity: )
During rainy season we heard about the common disease like loose motion, indigestion, vomiting etc. It's all about the weak digestive fire that we have during rainy season. The humidity increase during the season and use of acidic, oily and salty food reduces digestive fire. In this season some people feel breathless as humidity increase the body temperature that make feel restlessness. The vata accumulated in body during summer season, aggravates ...

How Much Omega 3 Do You Need For Your Health and Mood? (Popularity: )
Ok, so you know you need more omega 3 fatty acids in your diet. After all, they're proven to do everything from reducing inflammation, to improving your memory, to protecting you from heart disease. But, you may wonder, how much omega 3 do you need anyway? Nutritionists and doctors agree that you need to get more of these nutrients either through your diet or through supplements. But how much you need varies ...

Protecting Your Body from Toxins (Popularity: )
With all the pollutants in our foods and environment, it is important for us to protect ourselves from toxins. (This is a general term used by practitioners of alternative medicine for poisons in the body.) What are they? Toxins can be natural or chemical substances that cause harmful effects to us. They can include heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium and lead or organic compounds. They can also include bacteria and ...

Take the Two Day a Week Healthy Seafood Meals Challenge (Popularity: )
By now, if you haven't caught on to the inefficiency of diet plans and starvation techniques, it's not time to get with a new program, it's just time to get with the program. People today are faced with the tough task of decoding nutrition facts and ingredient lists that for all intensive purposes are written in an alien language, in making decisions about what is okay to feed not only ...

How Much Water Should I Drink? (Popularity: )
It's an age-old question. For years, we have heard the advice to drink eight glasses of water a day. But is that correct-or is that another one of those old wives' tales? According to MayoClinic.com, the amount of water a person should consume each day is based on several factors, including a person's health, how active he or she is and where the person lives. If you are sick and are losing ...

The Great Potential of Private Label Nutritional Supplements (Popularity: )
Starting a business and owning a successful brand has never been easy. The amount of capital required, coupled with the all the official procedures and the work towards setting up facilities, proves to be quite a drain on the financial as well as the physical strength of any entrepreneur. The concept of private labeling has, however, changed the dynamics associated with being an entrepreneur. With private labeling, one can become ...

Ideas for Adding some Variety to your Vegetarian Lifestyle (Popularity: )
When you’re planning a healthy vegetarian diet, you’re only limited by your imagination. It’s important to incorporate a wide variety of whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits in different meals, including seeds and nuts. Variety is the spice of life, and it will help ensure your vegetarian diet is nutrient-dense, interesting, and fun! Aim for variety, even when you serve favorite entrees over and over again, by serving different side dishes, ...