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Ace's Insights - I Have Immeasurable Freedom! (Popularity: )
Dutch author Janwillem Van De Wetering was born in Rotterdam in 1937. His books and collections are well known throughout Europe and around the world. I found this wonderful piece written my him. It reminds me that life can be like the board game, Monopoly. It reminds me of being 8 years old and thinking how mighty a Monopoly win could be. It also reminds me that at 8, I ...

Are You Cheating the Earth of Your Talents and Abilities? (Popularity: )
Every person that comes to the earth is given particular talents and abilities for that time period and era that he or she enters the earth. Each individual is equipped with talents and abilities to provide for their sustenance on the earth, and for the benefit of others, as well, leaving a heritage for their children to continue on, and a legacy from which others in society may benefit. As in a ...

Are You Trying to Conquer Your Goliath, With Little Success? (Popularity: )
Perhaps you're working from the wrong mold. David was the runt of his family. His elder brothers were a part of the Israelite army; skilled fighters, while David cared for sheep. The Israelite army was on the battleground with the Philistine army, and David rose up early the morning, left his sheep with a keeper, to take provisions to his brothers. Goliath, the Philistine champion, was 'strutting his stuff', against the Israelite army, ...

Aspire to Inspire Before You Expire (Popularity: )
Quite a mouthful isn’t it? Say it fast and you’ll trip over the words most likely. I saw this phrase on a church marquis as I was driving and it sparked my interest to the point that I thought about what it could mean. Here are my thoughts. To aspire simply means to have a yearning or desire to do something and strive to do it. An aspiring individual is ambitious, ...

Bed Bugs-How to Bite Back! (Popularity: )
Have you experienced bed bugs in your home and feel defeated? Do you know anyone else who has been attacked by them and they are perplexed not knowing what to do? You do not have to give in to their infestation. Fight back! Do not be paralyzed by the many perceptions people have about someone experiencing this problem. After all problems will always be with us. But every problem has ...

Connection - Formless To Form And The Creation Process (Popularity: )
We were all born into a world we did not recognize. We feel parted or disconnected from our original source. That idea is a deception. Our origin's, from the formless, was never severed. The idea of separateness is not our own. It was the conditioning from our birth to adult life that has in one way or another polluted our thinking to believe in such a thing. We are in fact a ...

Conscious Effort - Subconscious Change - Making a Conscious Effort to Create a Subconscious Change (Popularity: )
Do you remember when you learned to drive a car or ride a bicycle? At first, it seemed like a difficult task. You had to learn the basic procedures, requirements and theory. Then, you needed to apply what you learned to practical application. No matter how much you knew about driving or riding, you still had to put that knowledge into practical use, and apply the feeling part of it; that's ...

Failure Leads to Success (Popularity: )
At first glance, would you be able to tell the real gold from a fake one? Just like majority of people, you probably won’t be able to tell since both have the same look, unless you have prior knowledge that one is real. The same thing can be said of failure. In one glance, all failures might look the same because these lead to negative consequences and emotions. It is possible ...

How is Your Faith Muscle? (Popularity: )
Your faith muscle must be exercised to build strength, endurance, sustenance, and resistance. Strength - to carry the dream. Endurance - to continue to the length of time it takes to get to the final birthing of the dream. Sustenance - to uphold you and encourage you to keep moving forward in spite of the distance, the weight of the dream, the pressure, disappointments, discouragements and setbacks. Resistance - to deflect negativity - doubts, ...

How To Be An achiever (Popularity: )
Go back to your school days. Think of some friends who could never finish their examinations? They always had some or the other excuse to leave few questions unanswered. In our life, we come across people who never finish what they begin to do. They are always having some very good excuse for not finishing the given task. These people never achieve anything in their life and are full of ...