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Leadership - Any Takers? (Popularity: )
Leadership Are You Up For The Task? At one time I thought leadership was one of the greatest accomplishments that anyone could achieve, I was memorized by great men and women who were able to get in front of others and share that which is so dear to them, their visions dreams, even those who could live to speak God's written Word with clarity and purpose. I was very in love ...

Leadership - Every Day In Every Way (Popularity: )
John and I were having lunch midway through his shift. It was the graveyard shift and John was a police sergeant, one of the best. "I haven't talked to Spalding yet tonight," he said as he scanned down a list of the people who worked for him. "We'll head that way next. And I've got to talk to Smith about that complaint, so we'll meet her for coffee later." Books about leadership ...

Leadership Lessons From Pope John Paul II (Popularity: )
"Heroes are rebels with a cause. Rebels because they challenge the traditional ways of thinking and refuse to follow the herd. They have a cause, a vision, that's larger than life." - Sharif Khan, author of Psychology of the Hero Soul From a small-town Polish boy born to a retired army officer to become Pope; from a hard life in Nazi occupied Poland, his mother dead of kidney and heart failure, ...

Leadership Training - Fast & Accurate (Popularity: )
As leaders, you know as well as I do how important it is that we can amass a great amount of knowledge. Not only about our company, but our chosen industry, what other top leaders are doing in other industries, etc... But if you are like me, you've gotten frustrated about the process of amassing that knowledge. It seems like I am always behind. There is too much information to ...

Learning to Lead Your Own Path (Popularity: )
What we choose to know... Mark Twain is credited with saying "it ain't what you don't know that gets you in trouble, but what you think you know that just ain't so". I look at the world today, and find so many examples of things that we think we know that probably don't stand up to examination. These really tend to stand out when they are in the realms of stereotypes ...

NLP - Modeling People for Pursuasion - Learn to Lead! (Popularity: )
The aim of modeling NLP is to discover what the expert is doing, that they are not consciously aware of that bridges the gap between ordinary and extraordinary. Modeling NLP is achieved by taking an expert in anything area, be it surfing, dentistry, public speaking or video gaming, and study that persons beliefs, perceptions and behaviours. The modeler studies every aspect of what they do, and then mimics everything, then ...

Not For Sale (Popularity: )
"You're disqualified..." the Judge ruled, "If you don't reveal to me the person who suggested that you to talk with the Test Speaker." "I will not," Ann replied. "So be it," was the reply back. Ann kept her lips zipped. Which ended her run to win the Best Speech Evaluator contest in her district. If she would have divulged her source she might have jeopardized lasting friendships. And she would have secretly been ...

Only Dead Fish Go With the Flow (Popularity: )
Will it play in Peoria?" No offense to Peoria, but who cares? Statements of convention like this feed our need to know what everyone else is doing before we decide to do likewise. Everybody else is doing it, so it must be the thing to do. Conventional wisdom, the term often credited to economist, John Kenneth Galbraith, limits new ideas, enhances mediocrity and opposes the introduction of contrary thinking because of convenient ...

Overcoming The Fear Of Responsibility (Popularity: )
How do you even begin to find a solution to this fear? To begin, write here under what is your definition to the word responsibility (this definition is very important, write it here before you keep reading, we will re-check something again in this context). What is "taking responsibility"? As children it was much easier, all you had to do was say: I'm hungry! I want to eat, I'm thirsty, I want ...

Riding the Moral Shockwave in America - Nu Leadership Series (Popularity: )
An intellectual is a man who takes more words than necessary to tell more than he knows. Dwight D. Eisenhower The world is changing. Technology advances continue to amaze us. Our values are changing in society as we hit another cultural breakthrough. Futurists believe the future is happening right before our eyes. These changes can be viewed like an ocean wave. The Fourth Wave has historical significance to contemporary leaders. Hamel, ...