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Where There is Bullying and Persecution Those Leaders With a Voice Must Speak Out Wherever Possible (Popularity: )
The massive enormous needs around our world are rapidly increasing. It must be a challenging role for those in the front line of the Aid Agencies who have to confront and endure these scenes day by day. Many people are faced by seismic social, cultural and political issues, and Aid workers risk venturing out beyond the barricades in order to provide help for those who are marginalised in some way. I can ...

Why Are Employees so Negative - Nu Leadership Series (Popularity: )
“…This people honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.” St. Matthew 15: 8 In every direction that I look I see the failures of today’s leaders in the media. Many people don’t look to leaders as their heroes today. Why are people so negative about leaders? Cynicism has spread in America’s workplaces. I ...

Why I'm a Girlguide Leader (Popularity: )
A typical day in the life of a guider...doesn't exist. Sometimes I'll be practising a craft activity, playing bizarre games with balloons or comforting a girl who has grazed her knee. And that's in between working, going to university, and enjoying a hectic social life. Some people think that they are too busy - but I am never too busy to have fun! Being a brownie leader can be hard ...

Why Leadership Has Nothing To Do With Managing People (Popularity: )
It is fascinating that the bulk of writing about leadership talks about what it means to be a boss, CEO, manager or team leader. What this shows, above all else, is that we are biological creatures chained to our hierarchical drives. We like to think that humans can rise above the level of other animals, but we share a focus on hierarchy with most of the higher animal kingdom. On ...