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Learning to Lead Your Own Path (Popularity: )
What we choose to know... Mark Twain is credited with saying "it ain't what you don't know that gets you in trouble, but what you think you know that just ain't so". I look at the world today, and find so many examples of things that we think we know that probably don't stand up to examination. These really tend to stand out when they are in the realms of stereotypes ...

Be a Pioneer - The Law of Attraction (Popularity: )
In today's ever changing world, we see new designs and ideas popping up literally everyday around us. The ability to adapt and be creative is crucial for our survival. Having a pioneering spirit is the new trend in our new economy. The word pioneer is synonymous with hard work. Going into new frontiers. Opening the way etc. Very often we are overwhelm by term and drop the idea altogether. We will ...

This Leader Is On The Verge Of Giving In And Cracking Up - But Doesn't (Popularity: )
Trouble, trouble trouble, everywhere he goes. It is a strange phenomenon, but it is a most realistic spiritual fact in the Christian Life. Do not seek to avoid it - you cannot. There is not a disciple in the New Testament who did not face opposition and trouble in some shape or form. Many ask "Why"? Well, there is an enemy of God who does not like what disciples of ...

How To Become An Opinion Leader... (Popularity: )
"How do I get good people to listen to me?" When's the last time you asked yourself that? Part of the reason marketers everywhere have such a tough time getting people to listen to them is because their audiences (i.e., us) don't believe them entirely. So how can they become an opinion leader? Problema... We all know the marketers are "selling" whatever (they're professionals aren't they?) and that they'll say whatever nice words and make ...

9 Ways to Instant Charisma (Popularity: )
The summer is winding down but there's no stopping the heat coming from both sides of the long, drawn out presidential campaign. What do you look for in determining your choice for president? Are good communication skills critical to success? As in business, how important are one's technical skills, experience and expertise? Is likeability more important than experience? What about charisma? Does Obama have these qualities? Does McCain? Does it matter? According to ...

Why I'm a Girlguide Leader (Popularity: )
A typical day in the life of a guider...doesn't exist. Sometimes I'll be practising a craft activity, playing bizarre games with balloons or comforting a girl who has grazed her knee. And that's in between working, going to university, and enjoying a hectic social life. Some people think that they are too busy - but I am never too busy to have fun! Being a brownie leader can be hard ...

Seven Behavior Styles of Leaders (Popularity: )
Organizations are often judged and influenced by the person who is the Leader, which often determines the way the Organization develops. Here are the Seven general traits of most Leaders: 1. Risk Taking Propensity People, even those in the same position in the same organization, differ markedly in their risk-taking propensity. Some are risk averse. They like to "play it safe," choosing alternatives that are likely to give a relatively low but ...

Why Leadership Has Nothing To Do With Managing People (Popularity: )
It is fascinating that the bulk of writing about leadership talks about what it means to be a boss, CEO, manager or team leader. What this shows, above all else, is that we are biological creatures chained to our hierarchical drives. We like to think that humans can rise above the level of other animals, but we share a focus on hierarchy with most of the higher animal kingdom. On ...

Leadership Training - Fast & Accurate (Popularity: )
As leaders, you know as well as I do how important it is that we can amass a great amount of knowledge. Not only about our company, but our chosen industry, what other top leaders are doing in other industries, etc... But if you are like me, you've gotten frustrated about the process of amassing that knowledge. It seems like I am always behind. There is too much information to ...

What is Your Leadership Style? (Popularity: )
The two types of management and leadership styles are task-oriented and employee-oriented. The task-oriented style of management is a unique one. As a task-oriented manager, the person maintains close supervision over the employees to ensure that the task gets done to his satisfaction. He not only has a unique style, but he is also considered as the "middle man" and his job is to appease his organization, and the clients. ...