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Gastric Surgery Side Effects (Popularity: )
One of the main complications of having a gastric bypass surgery done is the body's calorie and nutrient ingestion is far lower. When someone has the gastric bypass surgery, they get their digestive system re-configured to a much smaller stomach, and intestine section. The small intestine is where most of the calories and nutrients get absorbed, so when the food bypass's the stomach and parts of the small intestine people can ...

Green Tea For Weight Loss & Obesity Cure (Popularity: )
Do you know the details of the miraculous effect of weight reduction via regular green tea intake? Are you aware of the precious benefits of taking it regularly? Just go ahead and get to know the details. Does Green Tea Works For Weight Loss? Green tea has remarkable health benefits. The Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) present in green tea has several positive effects on your body. But it has proven to be a ...

Revealed - 4 Guaranteed Tips to Fight the Obesity Epidemic (Popularity: )
Despite the many options we have to lose weight that never even existed before, America is currently in the midst of an obesity epidemic. More than 50% of people are overweight and heading in the wrong direction. Even looking at even the most conservative numbers should cause concern, not just for our health as a society, but also the growing health care costs that we all can look forward to. One ...

Childhood Obesity - Causes and Remedies (Popularity: )
Childhood obesity is a serious problem which is reaching epidemic proportions. Obesity can lead to several physical and psychological problems in children. Obesity can lead to various health problems in children like high BP, diabetes and higher cholesterol levels. There are several causes for obesity in children. Some of them are: ยท Family: if both or either of the parents is obese, the tendency to gain weight is more in children. This ...

Obesity - A Growing Trend in America (Popularity: )
A study by the federal government reported that in the year 2000 6 out of 10 Americans were overweight. A person that is 40% overweight is 2 times as likely to die prematurely then someone who is of average weight. There are many health risks that are attributed to being overweight. Doctors typically use a combination of a person's weight, height, and body fat to determine if they are overweight. While ...

Top Five Obesity Burners (Popularity: )
Obesity burners are accepted as of their popular relieve and quick outcomes. In a humanity where nearly every person is worried about their appearance, sense, figure or fitness, weight slaughter support and diet enhancements are greatly respected. As fat burners including ephedra were mainly accepted throughout earlier period, in 2006 citizens have been leaving to ordinary diet enhancements with evidence of no injurious possessions. Vit B-12 was sponsored this time as ...

Fighting the Obesity Epidemic (Popularity: )
Obesity has risen to epidemic levels in the U.S. It leads to devastating and costly health problems, reduces life expectancy, and is associated with stigma and discrimination. Obesity is a strong risk factor for such serious diseases as type 2 diabetes and heart disease; it is also a risk factor for certain cancers and is associated with depression and other medical conditions. More than 65 percent of U.S. adults are overweight ...

Causes of Obesity (Popularity: )
Obesity, to put it simply, is a result of an unhealthy diet and a deskbound lifestyle. If food gives you more calories than you burn, the body automatically turns on the storage tanks and stores the fat over your belly and hips. Eating Habits Eating habits are the float that brought people to the Island of obesity to begin with. Lacking the time and will to control one's meals, it's only natural ...

Dangers of Belly Fat - Motivation for Our Children (Popularity: )
The dangers of belly fat are nothing short of alarming. The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) is consistently reporting the findings of researchers around the world. Even popular magazines, books, and prime-time news programs are beginning to discuss the dire consequences of obesity. It is especially troubling that the obesity epidemic continues to spread in spite of this awareness of the dangers of belly fat. Excess belly fat is ...

Selling Cool, and Winning the War on Childhood Obesity One Child at a Time (Popularity: )
In order to beat the childhood obesity epidemic in this country we have to SELL KIDS on an action plan that they will enthusiastically approve. In other words, if kids fail to buy in, all the time, effort, energy, and resources we spend on promoting any program will be meaningless and inconsequential, not to mention a total waste. So the bottom line question in my mind is, are we smart enough ...