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What Can Celebrated Graphic Designer Jeff Fisher Teach us About Small Business Marketing? (Popularity: )
One of the key mistakes small businesses make when creating an online presence is trying to do it all themselves, says Jeff Fisher, a graphic designer with 30 years experience, and author of two books on graphic design. Fisher also is a member of the advisory boards for How Magazine, UCDA Designer Magazine and the How Design Conference. "I always tell business owners do not try this at home," he says. ...

Social Media Tips (Popularity: )
In the modern day, the majority of marketers are using social media sites to increase website traffic, gain leads, and make high conversions within their reader base. In the world of today, marketing online is becoming the popular way of advertising through the media. Diving into the world of social media may seem intimidating to a “home business man,” who has not ample time in life. When it comes to making money online, ...

Are you a Survivor or a "Thriver"? (Popularity: )
If you want to thrive in today's economy you have market your business smart and have the right attitude. Losing is not an option for me - it never has been. It shouldn't be for you, either. What are you going to do to ensure you make it through this economic downturn? We can learn from history - not everyone went under during the depression. There are opportunities; you just have to ...

An Internet Marketing Strategy that Works (Popularity: )
Why waste money on the internet when you can do it right? These days an internet marketing strategy plays a vital part of small business marketing strategies (or any size business marketing strategies for that matter). Website marketing is an important part of just about any business, small or large. You can't put up a a beautiful (or any) website and hope that people will just arrive. You have to let them ...

A Common Marketing Mistake - Forte Or Foolish (Popularity: )
Some people like commercials for entertainment and some like them because they can act as a signal to spend a couple of quality minutes with their family. I use them to see how other companies invest their marketing dollars. Now I will openly admit I am partial to Direct Response style marketing and against Brand Awareness. There are some very effective commercials and a whole lot of terrible commercials. Some of ...

Everyone Loves Promotional Products (Popularity: )
Who in the world will not like receiving a gift? After al everyone likes a bit of attention being appreciated. The idea of receiving something for nothing continues to excite everyone. This is the reason why promotional products are loved by one and all. They make for simple useful items that hold some sort of relevance to the clients. They not only thank your interest groups for the support they ...

Everyone is marketable (Popularity: )
I realise that everyone is marketable. Marketable in the sense that everyone is unique. Everyone is talented at something. Everyone is good at at least one thing. We can therefore make money out of what we are good at. Of course, being good at something is not enough and we have to be marketable but since we are different in our own ways, we are all marketable. Makes sense, doesn't ...

Explore the Use of Printed Coasters As a Promotional Aid (Popularity: )
You can't underestimate the power of a simple drink coaster when it comes to promoting your business. Printed coasters in bright colors and bearing the name of your company or your logo can do more for you in the way of getting your name noticed than any other form of advertising. It is also less costly than advertising in the newspaper or on the radio because you have your name ...

Why Does Your Company Need To Invest In A Website? (Popularity: )
Small business might ask themselves the questions of why they should invest in a website, especially if business is going well. After all, if your business has been running for a couple of years and hasn't needed one, what's the point of investing in one now. Well, the answer is simple, times are changing. More and more people are turning to the internet to search for companies, either as consumers ...

Three Keys to Perfecting Your Sales Letter (Popularity: )
The purpose of writing is to communicate a message. And the purpose of a sales letter, or any other marketing piece, is to help you more clearly and powerfully communicate a specific message to sell your product or service. Simply choosing the right words to convey your message can be the difference between a boring sales letter, and one that brings in boatloads of new business. Here are three tips for ...