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The Healing Power of Echinacea (Popularity: )
The use of Echinacea on wounds, infections, snake bites, insect bites and stings is beyond the miracles of modern medicine ever. It boosts the immune system about 30% to help the body’s own T-cells fight infection and rid itself of poisons. It contains a natural antibiotic which is comparable to penicillin. Used as a mouthwash will get rid of canker sores, painful teeth and swollen gums. I have advised many ...

Radical Reiki Healing with Feiki Reiki (Popularity: )
Reiki is an ancient method of healing that has been used for centuries. Since it's reintroduction in the early 20th century, various methods have been produced and one of them although considered by some as radical is called Feiki Reiki. But why is it a radical form of Reiki? This is because the technique not only recharges your energy but it also awakens your senses. This makes you realize that ...

Causes Of High Cholesterol (Popularity: )
The risk of stroke and heart failure can be increased by high levels of cholesterol. If you do care about your health, and want to stay healthy, then it is recommended that you do not go beyond the desirable cholesterol levels. A desirable cholesterol level is considered to be 200 milligrams per deciliter. Taking a look at the root causes of high cholesterol will help preventing the onset of this ...

Healing Crystals - Agates (Popularity: )
Agates are among the most beautiful creations the world has bestowed upon us. They are semi-precious gemstones that generally form within rock cavities, at low pressures and temperatures close to the surface of the earth, where they take on distinctive shapes and colours according to the local geology. Agates invariably outlast their surroundings, with many rare and beautiful stones, their patterns and colours seemingly endless, laying just below the surface ...

Improve Your Energy Levels, Immune System Through Detoxification (Popularity: )
The newest trend in personal health care to seep its way across the globe is detoxification, and the many great benefits that it offers to those who choose to take advantage of it. The body is like a sponge, so to speak, and can really absorb many toxins and unnecessary wastes over the years. The foods that you ate last month could still be stuck inside of your colon, gathering ...

Learning the Basics of the Reiki Drumming Technique (Popularity: )
The Reiki Drumming technique was developed to greatly boost every healing session. The technique proves to be very effective for Reiki masters when the following steps are done accordingly: 1. Focus your intentions In order to channel healing effectively, talk to your client. Ask them about the issues they want to address. These issues have to be focused on during the entire healing session. They have to be more than willing to ...

Things That You Definitely Should And Shouldn't Do When Using Essential Oils For Aromatherapy (Popularity: )
If you're new to aromatherapy, then there are lots of things for you to learn. It seems so easy to just buy a few oils and start using them, but in fact there's a lot more to aromatherapy than that. There are things that you definitely should and shouldn't do when using essential oils for aromatherapy, otherwise you could find yourself with problems. Here are a few things that you ...

Feng Shui Life - Clear Your Clutter Now! (Popularity: )
You may not believe it, but the most powerful change you can make to your life is by getting rid of all the clutter. If you are anything like me, when you look around at all the clutter in your home, you feel drained and can't find the energy to clear it away. It keeps piling up and every time you look at it you feel more and more drained and ...

Improving Your Overall Health Through Detoxification (Popularity: )
In a world that is seemingly fickle with energy drinks and immune system boosters that are commonly advertised on television and sold over the counter at many local convenient stores and pharmacies, there are some other all-natural ways that people can implement to improve their overall health. For those who suffer from getting sick all of the time (weakened immune system) to those who suffer from chronic migraines or poor ...

Using Reiki for Stress Management (Popularity: )
Reiki, which is pronounced as 'Ray Key' is a well-known natural energy healing process, which employs the use of 'laying on' of hands in order to enhance and improve the overall health of a person and help him balance the life force energy. Reiki healing is a simple, non-intrusive healing procedure. It is an excellent way to reduce stress, bring in more relaxation and get the mind, body in sync with ...