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Discover Alternative Medicine for Candida (Popularity: )
A question I am often asked by people is this: 'do I have to rely on prescription drugs to relieve candida symptoms or is there alternative medicine for candida that is reliable?' As with most diseases, illnesses or infections that have become common around the world today, we are always looking for a healthier, more natural way to treat them. We seem to trust the "the establishment" less and less. This is ...

Are You Predominantly the Kapha Type? Learn About the Ayurveda Body Type System (Popularity: )
Imbalances in kapha predispose you to diseases of the respiratory system, sinus problems, obesity, tumors, mental and physical lethargy, and a tendency to procrastinate. Kapha is composed of earth and water; water, the main element, is contained within the body's mass, or earth. It governs your body's structure and tissues and maintains stability, cohesion, fluid balance, and biological strength. Kapha types are solid and steady, even-tempered and calm, with impressive ...

Know Thyself: The Pitta Body Type Needs Extra Cooling Down: Learn About Yourself with Ayurveda (Popularity: )
PITTA is composed of fire and water; fire, the main element, is contained within the protective waters of the body (such as digestive enzymes). It governs your metabolism-body processes involving heat, digestion, and hormones, and biochemical reactions such as those required to produce energy. Hyperacidity, hot flashes, inflammation in joints, all point to too much pitta. When pitta predominates, a person tends to be fiery: intense, with a sharp and ...

Psoriasis - A Natural Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment (Popularity: )
Psoriasis is a prolonged inflammation of skin. The causes of psoriasis are still unclear. This condition is neither infectious (Do not spread from one person to another) nor does it affect the general health. It affects both the genders and may start at any age. Psoriasis is quite common, affecting around two per cent of the population, although people with very mild symptoms may not be aware they have it. Psoriasis ...

Depression - Natures Wonder Drug Can Alleviate The Symptoms (Popularity: )
There is a natural compound in nature that is part of the natural food chain and if taken in sufficient quantity has been proven to help patients with depression by providing natural organic help. The drug is also cheap and it’s plentiful and the medical community is only now after hundreds of years, intensifying research in to its medical applications. If you have not guessed what it is? Then read on. The compound ...

Natural IBS Treatment With Traditional Chinese Medicine (Popularity: )
Other than conventional western medicine, there are various options available to you if you wish to seek for a natural IBS treatment. One such healing system for IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome is Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TCM is based on a holistic approach. Thus, a complete and proper diagnosis involves an analysis of parts of your body, other than your abdominal area. For instance, your practitioner may check your tongue ...

Why You Need Personal Massager? (Popularity: )
Whenever one suffers from backache the first solution to this problem strike their mind is personal massager. From the age's personal massager have done wonders to the nagging backaches and has provided positive results. With the changing time and technology, more and more advancements have been witnessed in personal massagers too. As now they have become more techno and also highly effective. In short if you are suffering from prolonged ...

Things That You Definitely Should And Shouldn't Do When Using Essential Oils For Aromatherapy (Popularity: )
If you're new to aromatherapy, then there are lots of things for you to learn. It seems so easy to just buy a few oils and start using them, but in fact there's a lot more to aromatherapy than that. There are things that you definitely should and shouldn't do when using essential oils for aromatherapy, otherwise you could find yourself with problems. Here are a few things that you ...

Aromatherapy Essential Oils (Popularity: )
How do essential oils work for the body? Essential oils have an instantaneous effect on our sense of smell, called olfaction. Inhalation of these essential oils stimulates receptor cells, and the impulse is transferred to the brain?s emotional center, called the limbic system. Did you know that this limbic system connects to brain areas that are linked to breathing, memory and blood circulation and also to the endocrine glands that regulate levels ...

The Wonders Of Aromatherapy Healing Oils (Popularity: )
In the Aromatherapy product line, a lot of oils perform wonders in the health line. There are many uses that Aromatherapy products can be put to. They include healing oils, decors, perfumes and so on. It is a known fact that these products have been serving for thousands of years and being used by people from across the globe. The main function of this product is its ability to sooth ...