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Psoriasis - A Natural Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment (Popularity: )
Psoriasis is a prolonged inflammation of skin. The causes of psoriasis are still unclear. This condition is neither infectious (Do not spread from one person to another) nor does it affect the general health. It affects both the genders and may start at any age. Psoriasis is quite common, affecting around two per cent of the population, although people with very mild symptoms may not be aware they have it. Psoriasis ...

Home Remedies For Toothache (Popularity: )
Just about the only thing that is worse than having a toothache is having to go to the dentist so that he can fix it! While you might try to ignore a toothache and hope it goes away you really need to have it checked out as most toothaches are due to tooth or jaw problems like dental cavity, cracked tooth, exposed tooth root, gum disease, jaw point diseases or ...

Herbal Therapy for Endometriosis (Popularity: )
Herbalists make several recommendations for treating the tension, pain, and cramping that accompany endometriosis. Valerian can help soothe frayed nerves and ease pain so you're better able to cope with the disorder. Cramp bark or black haw can often lessen cramping and painful spasms. Black cohosh and wild yam are helpful for balancing hormones. Alfalfa can restore iron supplies if they are low. Herbal products are available in health food stores ...

Liquid Colon Cleanse - A Great Way To Revitalize Your System (Popularity: )
The average person's diet today is largely made up of processed foods that contain an excessive amount of fats, seasonings and other unnatural chemicals. The more of these foods you consume, the harder it is for your body to perform its functions efficiently. These substances are trapped in the linings of your digestive tract particularly in the liver and the colon. In order to regain the full use of your internal ...

Know Thyself: The Pitta Body Type Needs Extra Cooling Down: Learn About Yourself with Ayurveda (Popularity: )
PITTA is composed of fire and water; fire, the main element, is contained within the protective waters of the body (such as digestive enzymes). It governs your metabolism-body processes involving heat, digestion, and hormones, and biochemical reactions such as those required to produce energy. Hyperacidity, hot flashes, inflammation in joints, all point to too much pitta. When pitta predominates, a person tends to be fiery: intense, with a sharp and ...

The Basic Effects of Reiki Therapy (Popularity: )
Reiki therapy involves a lot of elements in just about every alternative healing practice. This is because it uses spiritual healing, meditation, aromatherapy, naturopathy and homeopathy among others to make the person or another feel better. But what makes this Japanese healing art so unique and popular is that it involves the transfer of energy in order to restore balance in the force. Reiki therapy has several basic effects. These ...

Reiki Healing with Music Sessions (Popularity: )
Reiki which is pronounced as Ray Key is a holistic healing system that uses universal energy to heal an individual. In order for this to work, you have to be trained by a Reiki master. Since its rediscovery in the early 1900's, various forms have evolved and some of them use Reiki music. Reiki music is used to create calm and peaceful atmosphere in order for the healing to take ...

The Mental Influence Of Music At The Gym (Popularity: )
When I’m at the gym, I’m usually in my own world.. a world without the noise and distractions you sometimes come across at the gym. I can't hear the grunts, shouts, the talking and the music they play at the gym. What I hear, is my choice of songs on my MP3 player. Here’s what I’ve been listening to for the past few months.. I’ve categorised them by the feelings/moods/emotions ...

Why You Need Support During a Detox Program (Popularity: )
A Detox involves changing what you eat in an attempt to remove toxins from your body. The change in diet used during a Detox will assist and support your body in removing the toxins and other contaminants that have been stored and built up over time. To detox your body improves your overall health and well being; energy levels; your resistance to dis-ease; your mental and emotional state; your digestion, and ...

Complementary and Alternative Treatments for Endometriosis (Popularity: )
Nutrition and Supplementation Your diet should include at least 50 percent raw fruits and vegetables. Whole grains, nuts, and seeds are recommended as are "green" drinks made from dark green leafy vegetables. Experts recommend limiting the amount of meat and diary products in the diet because these foods increase arachidonic acid which increases inflammation. It is also important to eliminate caffeine and alcohol, dairy products, fried foods, red meats, sugar, salt, junk ...