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Diabetes and Foot Problems - The Importance of Prevention

         Views: 2227
2010-07-19 07:08:12     
Article by Harold Thompson

There are many reasons why diabetes and foot problems tend to occur together. High blood sugar levels damage the nerves and impair circulation, making it more difficult to heal. This does not mean that you are stuck having to deal with the foot complications of diabetes when they come. There are many different things that you can do to prevent the development of foot complications and keep your feet healthy.

The best treatment for diabetes and foot problems is prevention. The best way to do so is to protect your feet before they are damaged. Since the feet of diabetics are easily injured and do not heal well, the first thing you need to take care of is to reduce chafing as much as possible. Skin ulcers and other foot problems begin this way. Socks that fit well should always be worn beneath slippers for diabetics, shoes, or any other footwear.

The next thing that you need to be careful of is to ensure proper foot sanitation. The feet, especially those of diabetics, are susceptible to developing fungal and other infections. These sorts of infections are dangerous because, if they spread to an open wound, they can quickly become very serious. One of the best things that you can do in order to prevent infections is to wash your feet regularly; you also need to check the water to ensure that it is not too hot.

The numbness that is common to diabetic feet makes it very easy to accidentally burn yourself. So, if you have diabetes and foot problems, you need to avoid heating pads, foot baths, and anything else that could burn you without your knowing.

Diabetes and foot problems have always been linked. Just remember that prevention is the key to preventing the development of diabetic foot problems. Just remember that your feet are delicate and need to be protected in order to ensure their continued health.

Specialized in: Diabetic Slipper - Diabetic Slipper Socks - Diabetic Slippers - Neuropathy - Slippers For Diabetics
URL: http://www.healthiertomorrow.org/
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