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American English Teacher for Japan, Korea, the Middle East, and the Uttermost Parts of the Earth

         Views: 2935
2008-04-24 08:11:41     
Article by Paul Davis

While applying for an English teaching position overseas with a company that services Japan, I was asked to write a cover letter / essay stating "WHY I WANT TO LIVE AND WORK IN JAPAN"

Here below are a few success secrets when you are asked to write such a letter, followed by the letter itself.

1. Express a heartfelt interest - employers want people who are passionate about their work.
2. Communicate a love of the culture - be it foreign or corporate.
3. Highlight your professional qualities, skills, and achievements.
4. Differentiate yourself from the other applicants. What makes you unique?
5. Convey the depth of your commitment. Companies want loyal and committed employees who will be there for the long term.


I want to live and work in Japan for the cultural experience and to make a difference. My world travels have taught me that every people, ethnic group, and culture has something special to teach and impart to humanity. Therefore I want to fully experience Japan, an economic powerhouse and masterfully innovative country, with enormous worldwide influence.

I have a TESOL certificate (Trinity College London), over 3 years experience teaching English, 15 years teaching / lecturing experience worldwide in over 50 countries, and am the author of 14 books (two being nominated for a Pulitzer Prize).

I particularly love Asia and have lived in the Orient for over three years. Japan has always been a country I am uniquely fascinated with and would like to see more of. My grandfather, a U.S. Army Lt. Colonel, was stationed in Japan during World War II. "Pop-Pop" as I affectionately call him, always spoke well of the Japanese and his experience there.

I enjoyed teaching Japanese students at a language school here in Orlando, Florida. They were very polite, hard working, and enjoyable to be with.

As a former fitness trainer, I frequent the gym and greatly enjoy receiving a shiatsu deep tissue massage. I also grew up playing baseball often, which I know is a very popular sport in Japan. It would be a thrill to attend a baseball game in Japan, as I've seen by way of television how exciting and celebratory the fans are about their national sport.

I am also very interested in watching and experiencing sumo wrestling. Perhaps I will be able to get a photo with one of the national champions in Japan. The martial art Akito is also of great interest to me. While living in Taiwan, I studied some forms of martial arts. The Japanese style Akito combines a unique blend of physical and defensive disciplines that I feel would be highly beneficial to learn.

A trip to Japan would not be complete without visiting Mount Fuji, a natural beautiful and spiritual odyssey. I deeply long for this experience and seeing the sun come up there over the picturesque horizon.

I feel I will be a tremendous teacher and asset to any language school, University, or company. My global travels, understanding of Asian culture, and genuine love for students make me a wonderful teacher. Moreover the fact that I am a published author, creative writer, and poet enables me to use the English language in a multiplicity of ways and inspire learning in any academic capacity.

Please sincerely consider me for a position with your company to serve your schools across Japan. I believe a long-term working relationship can be forged between us to bring remarkable results and mutual rewards. It is my desire to partner with a reputable company for whom I can proudly work for many years, make a vital contribution, and leave a legacy to others generations who will follow.

In an era in which nations are jockeying for power, positioning against one another militarily, and growing in hostility; it is essential that we in the global community learn to build bridges and work together peaceably. I feel working as an English teacher in Japan is one way we can begin to merge and come together internationally, as we share each other's language and culture.

Wishing you happiness, success, and fulfillment.

Paul F Davis

Paul Davis is a highly sought after worldwide professional speaker, purpose coach, and change master transforming organizations and empowering individuals to live their dreams.

Paul is the author of several books including A New Earth; United States of Arrogance; Poems that Propel the Planet; Breakthrough for a Broken Heart; Adultery: 101 Reasons Not to Cheat; Are You Ready for True Love; Stop Lusting & Start Living; Waves of God; Supernatural Fire; God vs. Religion; and many more!

Paul's compassion for people & passion to travel has taken him to over 50 countries of the world where he has had a tremendous impact. Paul's organization Dream-Maker Inc. builds dreams, transcends limitations, & reconciles nations.

Contact Paul to speak at your event or for consulting:


Specialized in: Motivational Speaker - Minister - Keynote Speaker - Pastor - Prophet - Speaker - Leader - Coach - Teacher - Poet - Consulting - Counseling - Negotiation - Mediation - Mediator - Inspiration - Motivational - Self Improvement - Self Discovery - Instructional - Marketing - Dream Design
URL: http://www.paulfdavis.com
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