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How Long is Your Shoestring? (Popularity: )
In my previous article I mentioned the potential for attracting clients using referral groups such as BNI and BRE. Some readers got back to me and mentioned that although they thought these groups are a useful and even proven method for building their practice, at £500+ they thought it was a bit on the pricey side. This highlights a concerning tendency I've noticed in a number of coaches. Namely, the reluctance ...

Business Coaching - Creating Success (Popularity: )
Your business is up and running and all the pieces appear to be falling into their place. You've got clients, a schedule that works and an organized system in place as well. Yet there is a small voice inside of you that keeps questioning if this will work. Do you really know this business will work? Can you really be sure that it won't come to a crashing halt, leaving ...

Could You Get Coaching Clients as a Motivational Speaker? (Popularity: )
"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily." - Zig Ziglar, Salesman & Motivational Speaker. What is a Motivational Speaker? A glance at a dictionary tells us "Motivational speakers are persons engaged in public speaking who help motivate others with their knowledge and real-life stories in public setting such as sales seminars and corporate meetings." But why should we care as coaches? What benefit ...

Lessons Out of Africa - The Importance of Mentoring (Popularity: )
Recently while working with a client in South Africa, I had the opportunity to go on safari in Kruger National Park. Surrounded by 2 million hectares of magnificent Africa, I heard many interesting stories. Two in particular were so intriguing, that I forgot where I was and started pondering what makes people successful. The first story I heard was how the park contains far too many elephants, which has an adverse ...

Helping the Hiring Gods to "Get You"! (Popularity: )
Two clients this week are working on re-creating themselves in terms of what they do for a career. Both have been independently contracting for various projects and jobs as they can. Both have babies on the way! As we explored what their options were for new career paths, I invited them to think about all the people they know and have met in their projects, jobs, through friends, and through ...

Does Your Target Market as a Business Coach Create a Confusing Marketing Message? (Popularity: )
The coaching industry is a dynamic growing sector of the U.S. economy. Some estimate this industry now exceeds $1 billion with a 40% annual growth rate. Many individuals have established themselves as business coaches or executive coaches. They deliver their 30 second elevator speech at local networking events from chambers to referral organizations. From their strategic plan, their marketing message has been created to reach a specific target market. And suddenly ...

Stuck in a Rut? (Popularity: )
Do you find yourself wondering if there is a way out of this rut? Well, first you will need to ask yourself two more questions: Are you tired of being in the same old rut and truly want to see change? Or have you been here so long, you've decorated it and it's become 'home'? There is a real way to get out of any rut that you are currently stuck in, ...

Are You Perfect Yet? (Popularity: )
Perfection! I cannot go through a week of coaching without some talk of perfectionism and the striving for bigger, better, more. "When I finally get this straightened out, then I will be ok." "If I could only get there, then life will be good." "If I could just be that, then I would be lovable." It breaks my heart every time because it is such a lie and it is such a habit we ...

ADD People Wonder, "How Do I Find a Life Coach?" (Popularity: )
Those of us with ADD sometimes run into things we can't solve on our own. Problems can pop up in the areas of relationships, finance, or career, and when things go awry, it's often hard to get them turned around. If you're smart, you'll look for help. You should probably be asking, "How do I find a life coach?" These people are professional helpers. They can determine your goals and help ...

Speed Reading The Natural Way (Popularity: )
Super Reading which is speed reading the natural way, is the one true way that helps you to read faster than ever before. In the past it may have been difficult for you to speed read, because there was still a lot you did not know about in this world and you also had not yet discovered the Integrative Mindset to work with new information you encounter. Through growing up, you've ...