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How to Succeed As an Expatriate in the United States (Popularity: )
Many people come to the states seeking the American Dream. They think that, once they land on the American soil, all opportunities will be open. This is not always true. There are some rules, regulations, and laws they have to abide with in order to succeed. Know the American laws Let me repeat, know the law! It's not because your dad is a general in a different country that you think you ...

Learning to Lead Your Own Path (Popularity: )
What we choose to know... Mark Twain is credited with saying "it ain't what you don't know that gets you in trouble, but what you think you know that just ain't so". I look at the world today, and find so many examples of things that we think we know that probably don't stand up to examination. These really tend to stand out when they are in the realms of stereotypes ...

Seven Behavior Styles of Leaders (Popularity: )
Organizations are often judged and influenced by the person who is the Leader, which often determines the way the Organization develops. Here are the Seven general traits of most Leaders: 1. Risk Taking Propensity People, even those in the same position in the same organization, differ markedly in their risk-taking propensity. Some are risk averse. They like to "play it safe," choosing alternatives that are likely to give a relatively low but ...

What Came First - Personal Development Or Leadership? (Popularity: )
In order to understand the complexities of personal development and leadership; one needs to have some sort of a perspective to work from. Individual's whether personal or professional need to be able to understand where people are coming from; as discussions take place in meetings or in relationships, in other words - what makes that person tick. In management and/or organizational development and management, we have something called backward mapping ...

Leadership Training - Fast & Accurate (Popularity: )
As leaders, you know as well as I do how important it is that we can amass a great amount of knowledge. Not only about our company, but our chosen industry, what other top leaders are doing in other industries, etc... But if you are like me, you've gotten frustrated about the process of amassing that knowledge. It seems like I am always behind. There is too much information to ...

Where There is Bullying and Persecution Those Leaders With a Voice Must Speak Out Wherever Possible (Popularity: )
The massive enormous needs around our world are rapidly increasing. It must be a challenging role for those in the front line of the Aid Agencies who have to confront and endure these scenes day by day. Many people are faced by seismic social, cultural and political issues, and Aid workers risk venturing out beyond the barricades in order to provide help for those who are marginalised in some way. I can ...

Torture, is it the Right's Direction? (Popularity: )
How can America recover her moral compass? Perhaps, this is a start. Today I received a letter from the American Psychological Association sent out to all its members. After six years of participation by its members, this wise and prestigious club of mental intelligence is at last asking us to vote on what amounts to "just say no to torture." The petition resolution states: "Whereas torture is an abhorrent practice in every ...

The Fine Art of Delegation - Part 2 (Popularity: )
How do you decide when to ask for help and when it's best to do it yourself? Here are some indications that it may be time to for you to delegate: 1. Anytime you feel resistance when you think of performing a particular chore or task. 2. Anytime that you think you probably can do the work, but are not proficient at doing it 3. Anytime you feel compelled to do work you're ...

Only Dead Fish Go With the Flow (Popularity: )
Will it play in Peoria?" No offense to Peoria, but who cares? Statements of convention like this feed our need to know what everyone else is doing before we decide to do likewise. Everybody else is doing it, so it must be the thing to do. Conventional wisdom, the term often credited to economist, John Kenneth Galbraith, limits new ideas, enhances mediocrity and opposes the introduction of contrary thinking because of convenient ...

9 Ways to Instant Charisma (Popularity: )
The summer is winding down but there's no stopping the heat coming from both sides of the long, drawn out presidential campaign. What do you look for in determining your choice for president? Are good communication skills critical to success? As in business, how important are one's technical skills, experience and expertise? Is likeability more important than experience? What about charisma? Does Obama have these qualities? Does McCain? Does it matter? According to ...