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Juice Detox: Understanding How It Works and the Difference from Juice Fasting (Popularity: )
A juice detox is very similar to a juice fast with one essential difference. You continue to eat certain foods while you drink your juices. Many of you may be thinking that this therefore constitutes a normal detox diet but it doesn’t – the majority of what you ingest over the specified timeframe is simply fruit and vegetable juice but occasionally, generally towards the end of the detox, small amounts ...

Learning About Muscle Health (Popularity: )
We need our muscles for our bodies to function properly, so it is important that we know how to take care of them properly. Throughout our lives, there are going to be many occasions when we cause injury to ourselves and our muscles become sore and strained, but with the right care, muscle pain does not need to be permanent. There are many steps we can take to avoid muscle ...

Misconceptions People Have About Carbohydrates (Popularity: )
Carbohydrates or carbs are considered one of the three major building blocks of body nutrition. Along with protein and fat, a fine balance between these macronutrients ensures a strong and healthy body. With high- to low-, to no-carb diet programs being bandied about by experts and athletes, there has to be a clear, understandable description for the consumer how carbohydrates are used by our body to serve our everyday needs. Then ...

Multi Vitamin Resource For Optimized Health (Popularity: )
Taking a multi vitamin everyday is great for a person's health in several ways because of what some of them provide in them. The problem is there are many multi vitamins out there that don't deliver everything that is needed for staying in best overall health. Taking a multi vitamin daily if you think about it, is just like having insurance, meaning individuals would be in better health and eliminating most ...

Omega 3, 6, 9: How They Affect Your Health (Popularity: )
Introduction: There are 3 common forms of Omega (fatty acids): Omega 3, which is the most common, Omega 6, and Omega 9. Omega 3 and 6 are not made by the body and must be obtained from the food we eat. The human body does make Omega 9. What is Omega 3? They are fatty acids that are commonly found in fish oil, seeds, and nuts. What foods supply us with Omega ...

Organic Food - Why the Fuss? (Popularity: )
Whether you have been eating organic for years, or are just getting started, we would like to share our vantage point. As proven through the growth of organic chains and the organic section at your local grocery store, this is not a standard five year health trend. According to the USDA, retail sales of organic food rose from $3.6 billion in 1997 to $21.1 billion in 2008 and we mean ...

Preparations before Wisdom Tooth Removal in Austin (Popularity: )
Your wisdom teeth will start to appear at the time you arrive at the age of 17. However, it may appear that one of your wisdom teeth will find it difficult to come out. This will cause you terrible pain (and of course, nights without sleep), gum inflammation and even ulcers. It is for these reasons that your dentist will recommend wisdom tooth removal in Austin for you. Try not ...

Protecting Your Body from Toxins (Popularity: )
With all the pollutants in our foods and environment, it is important for us to protect ourselves from toxins. (This is a general term used by practitioners of alternative medicine for poisons in the body.) What are they? Toxins can be natural or chemical substances that cause harmful effects to us. They can include heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium and lead or organic compounds. They can also include bacteria and ...

Quercitin and Health (Popularity: )
Quercitin and its benefits, side effects and precautions, and sources are the topic of this article. Quercitin, a water soluble bioflavonoid, is one of a family of pigments found in almost all plants, herbs, fruits and vegetables. Bioflavanoids help provide anti-inflammatory and antioxidant protection, and are the most powerfully effective herbal anti-inflammatory on the market. Quercitin is used to prevent the development of f both some inflammatory conditions and free radical cellular ...

Retro Sweets and Carbohydrates (Popularity: )
You've heard it all before. Candies are basically made of carbohydrates and so are those unforgettable retro sweets which never fail to charm you over and over. Of course, resisting them is hard enough. And because carbohydrates are synonymous with sugar, you know how it is when people tell you to stay away from it because it's "bad" for your health. Actually, that might just be a misconception because we ...