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Senior Safety - 5 Simple Exercises to Lessen Fall Risk

         Views: 3193
2008-12-07 04:36:02     
Article by Ronna Sather

There is no exercise program available that will be effective it is not followed. The problem with many programs for seniors is that they are too strenuous, too complicated, or there are just too many exercises to remember to do and, therefore, are not continued. Before starting any exercise program it is best to check with your doctor to be sure it is okay.

The exercises I am going to teach you are not only simple to perform, they are easy to remember, and can be easily incorporated into a daily routine. They can be done in bed just before getting up, which will strengthen muscles, increase circulation and reduce stiffness in lower extremity joints; this improves gait steadiness, especially during morning activities. The exercises can also be done while sitting in a chair (maybe to music or during commercial breaks?). Here they are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5:

1. Ankle Pumps and Circles : Move toes and forefeet up and down as if pumping the accelerator ten times, then around in circles (as if tracing large circles with big toes) both directions ten times.
2. Straight Leg Raises : With one knee bent, hold other knee straight and lift straight leg slightly (only 6 inches or so) off bed or, if sitting, off floor for count of five. Lower slowly and repeat ten times with each leg.
3. Knee Extension : While sitting at edge of bed or in chair, alternately lift foot to straighten knee, hold for count of five and slowly lower. Repeat ten times on each side.
4. Hip Flexion : While sitting at edge of bed or in chair, alternately lift knees a few inches, as if marching in place, twenty times each.
5. Buttock Squeezes : While lying down or sitting, squeeze your butt cheeks together (as if trying to hold onto your last quarter between them) and hold for a count of five, ten times.

Doing these easy exercises even once a day will make a difference. Well, there it is. Simple, easy to remember, and effective!!

Ronna Sather is a licensed physical therapist with over 30 years of professional experience, assisting and guiding thousands of families dealing with the safety and independence of elderly loved ones at home. You can visit her website at http://www.seniorsafetyathome.com to find more articles, resources and products which promote senior safety and make life easier in the home environment.

Specialized in: Senior Safety - Senior Care - Caring Elderly Parents - Walker Safety - Caregivers - Senior Helpers
URL: http://www.seniorsafetyathome.com
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