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Weight Loss - Realistic Tips

         Views: 1837
2008-06-15 03:28:59     
Article by Kay Vaughn

It seems everywhere you look these days, there are new and improved ways to look fabulous. We've all seen the headlines - "Get Into That Bikini Before Your Vacation". From my experience, it's never quite that simple. I prefer realistic tips - ones that we can use to actually reach our desired weight goals.

Increase your water consumption. Over 60% of our bodies are made of water. It helps regulate and maintain our temperature, removes waste, transports oxygen and nutrients and keeps are mouth, eyes, nose, hair, skin, joints and digestive tracts moist. It is essential to keep hydrated when you are dieting and exercising.

Control portion sizes. Many of us do not eat "normal" size portions. In fact, we aren't really sure what a portion should look like. To make it easier, try taking a serving size of certain food and compare it to a familiar physical object. For example, a serving of fruit or vegetable is the size of your fist, pasta is the size of a tennis ball, meat is the size of your palm etc. Other ways to control your portions include, using smaller plates, not going back for seconds, keeping the platters or casseroles off of the table and not munching snacks directly from the bag or carton.

Reduce your salt intake. If you eat too much salt you will retain more water, which leads to weight gain. You really need to watch your processed and prepackaged foods. Many of them have high sodium levels. Cutting back on these will be a huge step in the right direction. Here is an interesting fact. Did you know that a bowl of Cheerios has more sodium than a serving of Ruffles Potato Chips? An easy way to reduce your salt and not your flavour is by using fresh herbs, spices and lemon zest on your foods.

Get plenty of sleep. Recent studies have shown links between sleep and hormones that influence our eating behaviours. When your tired you get an increased craving for food, usually the sweet, starchy, salty types. In light of this research, it is recommended that most people should get between seven and nine hours of sleep per night. Try to avoid using your bed for watching TV or doing work. You will get a better quality sleep then.

Start lifting weights. Muscle burns more calories than fat. You will burn approximately 200 more calories per workout than someone who doesn't do strength training. You should be strength training two days per week, with a day of rest in between, to get the full benefits. When you are lifting weights you'll notice increased energy levels, a boost in your metabolism, better endurance and you will get slimmer quicker than by just doing aerobic workouts alone. You don't have to reach for the dumbbells to start strength training. When you are doing sit-ups and push-ups, you are strength training. If you don't have weights use items around the house, like cans of soup from the kitchen.

Everyone will have different experiences and results will vary from person to person. Having a positive attitude, being consistent, eating well and exercising are the keys to help you reach your desired weight and to lead a healthy and happy life.

Here's to the new you!

Kay Vaughn invites you to visit http://www.FatBlast.info for a critique of three of the most popular weight loss programs available today and get your FREE report on how to burn even MORE calories.

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