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Burn Abdominal Fat - Do You Want Brad Pitt Abs?

         Views: 1899
2007-04-15 09:24:55     
Article by Tom Gifford

Do you know what the real secret is to burn abdominal fat?

I will give you a hint, it does not involve any infomercial products, fat burning pill, doing thousands of crunches, fad diet, or long bouts on a cardio machine.

If you really want to burn abdominal fat, you need to have the right type of diet and the right type of exercise program.

Sounds simple doesn't it?

The truth is, most people know this but still go for the special infomercial gimmicks or the overhyped "lose 10lbs in 2 days" programs they see in the magazines at the grocery store.

This article will show you some simple steps you can take with exercise that will help you to burn abdominal fat and get those sexy abs you dream of.

1. Metabolism is the key to abdominal sexiness.

If you really want to burn abdominal fat, then doing hundreds of stomach exercises is not going to help.


Because doing tons of crunches does not work enough muscle mass needed to raise your metabolism and help your body burn more calories.

In order to burn fat via a fast metabolism, you need to workout your entire body! This includes doing total body workouts 2-3 days per week where you are really cranking up the intensity.

If you do some high intensity total body strength training 2-3 times per week, your body will have to respond by adding more lean muscle mass. This will help to burn abdominal fat, burn butt fat, burn thigh fat, etc.

To put it simply, the more muscle mass you have the more fat you will burn!

Some great exercises to help burn fat are squats, lunges, seated row, lat pulldown, pushups, incline DB press, and DB squat, curl, and press.

2. Persistence is the most important thing you can have when going for a six pack.

This problem that most people have when they try to burn abdominal fat is that they start off doing great for about 2 weeks and then go back to their old ways.

If this sounds like you, then it is important to realize that once you can be persistent enough to follow through with an exercise and diet program the sooner you will see some killer results.

The most common problem I see with people who want to lose fat is that they try to do it by shear willpower. It is great to be determined, but if you try to force yourself into being successful then you are setting yourself up for failure.

One of the best strategies there is to burn abdominal fat is not go it alone. If you can workout with a friend who is equally as motivated as you are, then the entire process will see so much more enjoyable.

In conclusion, you can burn abdominal fat if and only if you have the right tools and you take action to using them! If you really think you have what it takes, check out the links below for some great information for how to reach your goals.

Specialized in: Burn Abdominal Fat
URL: http://www.thefatlosszone.com
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