The Many Uses Of Screen Houses

       By: Joshua Taylor
Posted: 2011-02-26 21:10:10
Screen houses are not just for picnicking anymore, with today’s new styles and the abundant features available, screen tents can now be used for weekend camping, specialty shows, hunting and fishing trips. Lets take a look at the wide variety of uses.#1. Camping.
Probably the number one use, a great place for eating, food preparation, relaxing or just getting a break from the sun. Since many models now incorporate what are known as side curtains, replacing the family tent for a weekend camping trip is now a good possibility. #2. Fishing.
What better place to clean and prepare your days catch. The fully screened in area keeps flies, birds and small game from getting into your freshly cleaned fish.#3. Specialty Shows.
A long time favorite at dogs shows, racing events, car shows and trade shows. A screen house can provide the added protection a canopy just can't offer. And with available awnings, you can provide additional shade for you or your customers.#4. Hunting.
Hunters know how important it is to dress their animals in a bug free zone. Keeping bugs from infesting the freshly dressed meat is a must for clean and healthy living.#5. Parties.
A fantastic piece of equipment for any type of outdoor party. Having a Bar-B-Que? Or a birthday party? A screen tent can help with these and many other types of outdoor parties. Choosing your screen house from the many models available can seem to be a daunting task. Start by checking out major brands like Trek Tents, Coleman or Eureka. All provide well made tents with features to match. Some models like the Trek Canvas Screen House are ideal for camping or high stress situations, while models like Coleman may be better suited for the backyard or picnics. If easy setup is a priority, you may look towards products that incorporate insta-set frames. These patented frame designs offer a lightweight structure and a tent that can usually be setup in just a couple on minutes. Another feature you may want is the side curtains. These side panels are usually zippered and work like a standard tent wall when closed, providing you privacy and weather protection. When rolled up, you can have full air flow into or out of any side you choose. I think the best feature of these panels is they can be used as awnings for additional shade or to provide a rain free area outside the tent. The great outdoors can bring you more fun with the right screen house.
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