Tips To Writing A Good Essay

       By: Walter Nelson
Posted: 2011-02-01 01:19:54
Good essay writing skill, or lack of it, can make the difference between acing an examination and flunking it. Good essay writing skill or lack of it too, can make the difference between getting a good job or a place in a good school, or missing out on such opportunities, where essay writing is one of the requirements on the application procedure for the respective positions.Thankfully, there are a few tips to writing a good essay which, if put into practice in the essay-writing process, can increase the chances of one's success at the task.1. Understand your essay writing task properly. The number of people who opt to head straight into their essay writing without first taking their time to understand what it is they are required to be writing on is simply amazing. Needless to say, a vast majority of those who opt to head into essay writing without first understanding the task at hand tend to come up with mediocre results, their inborn writing skills notwithstanding. Understanding your essay writing task (what you are actually required to write on) might require for you to read and re-read the instructions of your writing assignment several times; but whatever the case, don't proceed into the task before understanding what it is that you are actually required to do.2. Start with a plan. Before embarking on your essay writing task, you have to ensure that you have a game plan in place, with regard to what you are to talk about in your essay, and how you plan for your essay to transition from point to point (that is, the story you are to tell in your essay). In case you are working on a timed essay, you are best advised to develop a time plan for the task at this stage. Lack of these kinds of plans when going about essay writing can result in a number of things. In case you happen to lack a plan of points to speak about in your essay beforehand, you might end up in a situation where you get to the end of the essay, only to discover that you have forgotten an important thing (and where it is clear that including it without making your work awkward would mean having to start again, which you might not have time for). In the same manner going head-on into your essay writing with a time plan could see you time-barred before you are through with the task completely, leading to 'hanging work' (in the worst case scenario) or at least to work that is handed in un-proof-read, both of which are very poor reflections on you.3. Observe the rules of good writing. Write in short sentences and use good punctuation. Use only logical paragraphs. Use proper vocabulary, and avoid unnecessary use of jargon (unless it is really called for), as overuse of it gives the impression that you are arrogant. Don't ignore any rule of grammar knowingly. Make sure that the meaning of each of your sentences is crystal clear, so that the reader doesn't have to start second-guessing you, trying to understand what it is you were trying to say.4. Proof-read your work. If you hand in work that is not proof-read, chances are that it will have one or another glaring mistake - and this is a very poor show on your part, that could of itself see you lose whatever opportunity you are writing the essay for.
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