The Revival of Worship By Benny Hinn

       By: Benny hinn ministries
Posted: 2010-12-05 05:00:21
One of the greatest movements of the Holy Spirit in the world today is the rebirth and revival of worship. In true worship, people meet the Lord with their intellect, will, and emotion. That's the difference between a cold, dead service and one that is vibrant and alive with God's presence.If you've ever been in one of our crusades, you know how wonderful the sense of worship is. Occasionally people think it has something to do with me. They compliment me for leading in worship. But you know what? I don't lead in worship - the Holy Spirit does. I may be on the platform, but I'm worshipping the Lord just like everyone else. The Holy Spirit is in control, and I follow His leadings just like everyone else.It is the Holy Spirit who reveals Jesus to usRemember, worship isn't singing about the Lord and praying that God will meet your needs; worship is lifting your praise to the Lord in love, devotion, and adoration. Jesus said, "God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth" (John 4:24).Who gives us the ability to really worship? The Holy Spirit: "For it is we who are the circumcision, we who worship by the Spirit of God, who glory in Christ Jesus, and who put no confidence in the flesh" (Phil 3:3). It is the Holy Spirit who reveals Jesus to us. And the more we see of His beauty, His holiness, and His glory, how can we do anything else but bow before the King of Heaven to adore and magnify His name?About Benny Hinn Benny Hinn is the noted evangelist who preaches his mind and talks about salvation through God. Pastor Benny Hinn believes God is the ultimate truth in life and we all can follow Him by through His words reveled in the Word of Bible.
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