Best place for trading of laboratory technical and scientific equipment

       By: Raymond Walker
Posted: 2010-11-27 02:57:53
Hillsborough is one of the best organizations for trading of laboratory technical and scientific equipment. Whole company is totally owned by Hillsborough that is formed in 2006. Trading of equipments came in existence in January 2008. The chairman and CEO of the company is Mr. Balasubramanian, N.R, who has more than 30 years experience in developing and managing scientific and technical products, services and solutions. This is the best place for testing instrument, scientific equipment and technical equipment. Hillsborough provides high quality products with a timely service support and maintenance with completing all customer needs that is the main core of company. We have good knowledge of the local situation, provision of novel products and services. We have also wealthy knowledge in sales and services of scientific and technical equipment. According to the large direct network of Hillsborough business, it link offices in the total Middle East, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.We have an inspiring group of trained engineers, technicians and other technical staff, with large proper training and experience. You can take advantage to maximize of your materials and mechanical testing lab's productivity by using Hillsborough’s calibration services. Because our best prepared team is able to service, to calibrate and to supply back up support to various types of laboratory equipment.This company provides the various types of testing equipment. Now let us see about the material testing equipment. Having featured of complete families of servo hydraulic and universal testing systems it proves application software and reliable accessories. Its portfolio provides all the material testing capability that is needed to bear advanced research, Quality control, manufacturing optimization and product development.It provides biomedical testing equipment that is very beneficial for the biomedical industries, which gives very good solutions for extremely correct and repeatable testing of biomaterials, medical packaging, medical devices, consumables and orthopedic constructs It also provides high quality optical emission equipment that is present in portable size. With having best quality of quality control, metal recycling, grade check, combine check, positive material detection. Here by touch software can be operated. In a heat stabilized climatic chamber, a spectrometer is enclosed that is outfitted with supersensitive photomultipliers. This is present with 36 measuring channel. In this instrument, to control the Belec compact port the Belec-WIN 21-Software with Windows XP is used. In this way, this company provides many of the high quality testing, technical and scientific equipment. To modify, enhance and to protect your business in competitive business environment you should use the product of Hillsborough because they provides high quality product having good technical performance with best application of product also with good service.For more information please visit:
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