If You Don't Know What Kind Of Job You Want -- Deciding On Which Job That Is Right For You

       By: Lee Lister
Posted: 2006-09-30 01:39:03
Now days, most people do not start a job with the knowledge or belief that they will be doing the same job for the rest of their life. As technology and the way we work changes, many people expect to have several job or career changes during their working life. So how you decide as to which job or career is the one for you?Finding the job that fits your personality, your lifestyle and your skills is not easy. The best place to start in with a personal evaluation and inventory of your skills. So site down with a pen and paper and make a list of 10 things you are good at and 10 things that you are bad at. The list 10 of your personal traits:
* Are you artistic or logical?
* Are you tidy or methodical?
* Are you a night person or a day person?
* Do you work better in a group, leading a group or alone?
* How much risk do you take?Now list down what you want out of your job:
* Do you want security, variety, travel etc?
* How much money do you want to live on?
* Where do you want to work?
* What kind of hours do you want to work. Flexible/changeable/fixed etc.?Lastly list your professional skills and experience.Once you have done this list no more than 5 different careers that you think you would like to have. Go onto a major career job board and search for the job titles that you think you may be interested in. Look very carefully at the job descriptions and identify the ones that ask for the skills, personal traits and experience that you have. Continue doing this until you have identified the kind of career that you could have. Now look at the level of responsibility that is required and place yourself at the appropriate point in your career path. Is this the career you want? Is there room for growth? Are the salary and benefits what you are looking for? Congratulations you have now found one or more potential careers for your self. Now go back to the job boards and find the right job for you in the area that you want to work in.
Lastly – good luck in finding the job you deserve!
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