How Stress Causes Hair Loss - Update

       By: S Brooks
Posted: 2010-08-25 05:16:54
There are a lot of factors that can cause hair loss such as a genetic disorder, a hormonal imbalance or use of heavy chemicals that can retard the growth of hair follicles. However, not a lot of people know that stress is the leading cause of hair loss for both men and women. Not that many people know how serious of a cause it is. It can largely affect how long you hold on to your prized hair. It can be simply heartbreaking to lose hair especially for women. The good news is that stress is something you can prevent.Stress can be caused by a variety of things. It could be work-related or something to do with your family. It can be the approaching birthday that you hate making you another year older. The most usual stressor is your work, and issues on marriage and family are only second to this.But you can easily let go of stress. It is obvious that what you need to do to prevent losing your hair is to avoid all things that can cause stress. If you are a person who still worries about work at the end of the day, then what you can do is to drink some wine or take a hot bath. Join a meditative exercise class such as yoga to help you relax after a hard day. Get a regular massage, do some breathing exercises, or have a quiet dinner with your favorite friends.Even brisk walks are good enough to let go of the stress building up inside you. This is a way to exercise your body, which is another remedy for losing hair. Exercising releases endorphins which is responsible for improving one's mood, which can help you manage stress better. Try to visit the gym at least once every week. You will definitely see a reduction in your hair loss problem.The important thing to remember is to not stress about everything. Do not even stress about losing your hair. You are not the only one having to deal with this condition; in fact this is one of the most common problems both men and women have to deal with. This is the reason why there are so many treatment options available in the market today.By avoiding stress in your life, you prevent yourself from having to endure the problem of losing your hair, you keep a healthier mindset about things, and you become generally happier.Find out more useful & interesting information about this subject by going to: http://www.HairLossTreatmentInfo.orgS. Brooks is a specialized researcher focusing on providing valuable information & solutions for every day issues.
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