Stress - Do You Know If You Have It?

       By: Michael Russell
Posted: 2006-09-25 01:41:18
Stress is a strange condition, which ranges in severity from mild feelings of frustration to a seriously debilitating sense of panic and an inability to cope.Most people encounter stress at some time in their lives, from the kids running around screaming while you're trying to cook the dinner, to the boss who wants everything done yesterday. However, it is the strength of the feeling, which may give you an indication as to whether your stress is a passing occurrence or a serious condition.To hark back to the screaming children, if you are able to relax once dinner is over and they have gone to bed, you probably don't need to worry. On the other hand, if you spend the evening still feeling tense and wound up, are unable to sleep and feel drained and unable to cope in the morning, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.Some of the signs of stress are as follows:- Intense frustration, such that you feel like screaming
- Panic when faced with a fairly simple task
- Irritability and bad temper
- Sleeplessness
- A need for excessive alcohol or tranquiliser intake in order to relaxIf you feel any of the above on a regular basis, you may be suffering from stress. However, before it becomes too overwhelming, try to identify the cause and treat that.Discuss whatever is worrying you with the person who is the cause. For example, if your boss gives you a task that you feel unable to complete, either because you just don't have the expertise or because the timescale is unreasonable, don't panic. Don't accept the job then go away and worry about it. Give it some rational thought then go and discuss your problem. Explain that you either don't have time or don't feel qualified to do as you have been asked. There may be a number of solutions. Your manager may re-prioritise your workload or share the task between two or more people. If you don't have the necessary expertise, you may be able to take a training course or coaching. It can help to shadow someone else, who does know what to do.In the home environment, if it is your children, spouse, parents or housemate who is at the root of your stress, talk to them. Explain how they are making you feel; it is quite possible that they have no idea how their actions or words are affecting you. Maybe, inadvertently, you are having the same effect on them.Sleep is a great healer and its lack may even be at the root of your stress so do everything possible to make sure that you get the full amount that you need.Try to fit some fairly strenuous exercise into your routine. Take a brisk walk, ride your bicycle or go to the gym. The chemicals in the brain (endorphins) that exercise releases will make you feel much more cheerful and if your mind is happy and your body tired, you should get a good night's rest.On the same tack, try not to eat too heavy a meal late at night, drink coffee or alcohol, or indeed use any stimulant, which may prevent you from dropping off to sleep easily.A healthy diet with a good balance of carbohydrate and protein as well as lots of fresh fruit and vegetables will improve your sense of well-being and enable you to cope with life's minor problems.If you have talked, exercised, don't drink too much and eat well but still feel overwhelmed by normal tasks and day to day living, it's time that you made an appointment with your doctor.
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