Easing Stress Naturally - Practice Yoga

       By: Michael Russell
Posted: 2006-09-25 01:41:16
One of the many ways to ease stress naturally is by practicing yoga. This tradition traces its origins from India dating back to approximately 6 to 7 thousand years ago. The earliest written accounts pertaining to yoga can be found in the Rig Veda which is believed to be written between 1500 and 1200 BC.What is Yoga?The word "yoga" was derived from the Sanskrit word "yuj" meaning "to join" or "unite". It is commonly defined as a vibrant chain of ancient spiritual practices designed to bring yoga practitioners into a state of wholeness and completeness.The ultimate goal of yoga is to attain freedom from worldly sufferings and serves a means of achieving enlightenment, whereby one transcends conscious thoughts and experiences spiritual bliss. It calls for the mastery over the body, mind, emotions and the ability to rise above worldly desires. Practicing yoga is known to result in the gradual awareness of the true meaning of reality.In the ancient world, yoga evolved as a way of cultivating spiritual awareness, compassion and insight. It has been taken to represent the union of the soul and the body.One of the many branches of yoga that penetrated the modern world is Hatha Yoga. This consists of concentration techniques, breathing exercises, specific dietary restrictions and the "asanas", or the stationary or moving poses used to create a balance in the different systems of the body. Among the systems benefited by the asanas are the digestive, the endocrine and the nervous systems.This series of poses or postures exert their beneficial effects by slowing down mental activities and gently stretching the bodies and massaging the internal organs. The vibrant serenity resulting from the practice is relaxing and rejuvenating at the same time. It elevates us from the daily stressors that plague our lives. Regular daily practice of yoga increases our resistance to stress and strengthens our relaxation responses.What are the Benefits of Performing Yoga?
Practicing the basic yoga postures can bring about a number of physical and mental health benefits.
At the physical level, yoga provides the avenue to improve flexibility and muscle joint mobility, strengthens and tones the muscles and provides relief from back pains. It is also proven to increase stamina and vitality and is known to produce improved brain functions. Yoga may also fortify the immune system and improve the circulatory and digestive functions. It also helps decrease the cholesterol and blood sugar levels of an individual.
On the mental level, yoga increases body awareness, provides relaxation for the mind and body and relieves muscle strains brought about by everyday stress. It may also relieve chronic stress patterns in the body, sharpen concentration and attention and "free the spirit".Even though yoga brings about a ton of benefits, it is advisable that you practice moderation as a beginner. Stretching out too far will not bring added benefits. Stop whenever you are not comfortable with a certain pose or feels unnecessary pain.To get the most out of your training, it is recommended that you seek the guidance of a credible authority before embarking on a yoga routine. Or you may elect to avail of the various instructional materials available online.
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