Bless the Lord At All Times

       By: Warren Adams
Posted: 2006-09-25 01:35:18
David, in Psalms 34, begins with these words, “I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth.”As Christians we should have the same attitude. Nothing should be able to defeat us in this world. Knowing that we belong to Him and that He is always with us should give us a joy that overcomes any reversals of life.How can we say we believe Jesus is able to save our soul for eternity and not believe He can bring us through the rough times in the here and now? He is able to do all things. He can and will meet our moment by moment needs.The reason we get defeated is because we forget to trust in Him. When life brings us pain, of some sort, it is real and present. Our first reaction is poor me, this hurts, how will I ever be able to go on with life? When our first response should be to praise the Lord because we know He knows what is going on and He has the solution to the problem.Romans 8:28 tells us “that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” That means the good and what we call the bad circumstances of life. If we believe this verse then nothing is really bad or tragic, in the end.The event may bring a temporary remorse, despair, emotional pain or other problems but God knows what is going on and He wants us to depend on Him to bring us through. Pain and sorrow is but for a brief time. Eternity waits for all. When you have the assurance that you have been bought with the precious blood of Jesus and nothing can separate you from that love, then bless the Lord with all your soul.Many Christians forget to bless and praise God when they are on the mountain top. When God blesses your life financially, physically, or emotionally don’t forget to give Him the glory. Rejoice and continue to serve Him with all that He has blessed you with. Don’t get too proud or too busy enjoying life that you forget Who has blessed you.Let us join David when he says in verse 3, “Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.”Warren L Adams is a bi-vocational preacher. He is burdened for the lost and the Christian who is not living the life that would glorify God. Defeated Christians suffer loss and so does God.
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