How to Lose Weight Quickly - Count Your Calories Off!

       By: Denise A Sinclair
Posted: 2010-07-12 07:59:39
In just about everything, awareness is the way to a solution. Even in one's quest for weight loss, becoming conscious of anything that gets into his or her digestive system is the key to finishing at a win. This is because with consciousness comes discipline.Yes, we know that we always have to watch what we eat. But do we really understand what it means to "watch"? Some people probably don't. Especially now that dieting has already become more of a fad than a responsibility for us, a lot of dieters are easily fooled by the word "healthy" in the commercial products' packaging. So how do we become responsible dieters? It's simple. Take charge and count your caloric intake!A calorie is the amount of energy stored in your food. As you eat, the energy that you got is what you will use for everything that you will do. And since the kind of lifestyle varies from person to person, the daily calorie needed to get by also varies. Whether you have an active or a sedentary lifestyle, knowing your daily calorie needs will always be the first step to weight loss. Ask a nutrition expert's advice for a more accurate computation of your needs.So now that you've become aware of your calorie needs, what's next? Start counting! Read food labels, check your meal's portion sizes, and be educated about the caloric content of the usual meals that you take. Make your trip to the grocery store more interesting by walking down food aisles skimming through the "Nutrition Facts" found in the product's packaging. Control you portions by measuring the sizes. Rice consumption, for instance, can be measured by cups for each meal. And since information is just a click away, do some research on the caloric content of your everyday meals. Through this, you become wiser in choosing what to eat.Keeping yourself in good shape is always your responsibility. But since it also means giving yourself some love, taking charge of your health wouldn't be so hard after all.
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