What to Get Dad For Father's Day - 10 Prime Time Suggestions

       By: Angela Lane Woods
Posted: 2010-06-15 08:55:57
It's that time of the year again to honor the man in your life who raised, loved, provided, protected, and molded you in the "nurture and admonition of the Lord" (Ephesians 6:4b). For many of us, this man is our bio dad; others were blessed to experience the divine intervention of God in their lives as He planted a father figure in the role that their bio dad for whatever reason was unable to fill.In any wise, as that infamous third Sunday in June approaches you may be giving some thought as to what that perfect gift might be to let your dad know just how much he means to you and how much you appreciate the sacrifices that he has made for you over the years. Here are a few unique suggestions for your consideration to stimulate your decision-making process:Plan a special evening and spend some quality time with Dad. Cook dinner, make reservations at a special restaurant, or just prepare a special dessert, but go by, sit down, spend some time, and have a real conversation. Catch up with what's going on in each of your lives. Reminisce about old times, share your plans for the future.Buy him season tickets (or if your budget's tight, tickets to a single game) to see his favorite team play. Dads are notorious sports fans. This one should win you brownie points for many years to come.Make a homemade gift certificate offering your services at a time of his choosing to do repairs around the house, yard work, etc. He'll definitely appreciate it.Buy him a new suit or a new sports outfit or a new pair of dress shoes, tennis shoes, etc. You get the gist.Get him a nice watch. Have it engraved. This is something that he can keep for a lifetime, and every time he looks at it he'll always think of you.Get him a gift certificate to his favorite gadgets store. The boy inside the man never completely grows up. Dads still love video games and electronics. This one will definitely earn you the coveted 'favorite child' award.Give him a gift subscription to his favorite cable sports channel. Can't you just see him leaning back in his favorite sports recliner with his favorite drink and snack at his side?Have his car professionally cleaned and detailed. Bet he's been so busy that he hasn't had time to even take a hose to it in a while.Amazon or iTunes gift cards always make a perfect gift. With this he can purchase his favorite music, movies, audiobooks, etc.Buy him a Father's Day ice cream cake in his favorite flavor. Make sure to pair it with a card that you've taken some care to choose that lets him know how you really feel... or make one yourself. I hope that these quick recommendations prove helpful, whether they are exactly the type of gift that you're looking for or that they spark an idea about just what your Dad might like. Most important of all, take a moment on this special day and give thanks to the ultimate Father, God, who loved us so much that He sent His only Son to die for us. Happy Father's Day!Angela Lane Woods holds a B.A. in English and an M.P.W. in Creative and Applied Writing. She's done freelance commercial writing on a part-time basis for many years but until now had put her own personal writing projects on hold in order to accommodate a series of life challenges, not the least of which was the loss of her soulmate and beloved husband of 15 years, Danny, in 2004 to a massive hemorrhagic stroke. She founded DAP, Danny's Angel Publishing, in 2009 in loving memory of the span of life that they spent together.Visit her blog at http://www.dannysangelwrites.com.
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