Different stages of Reverse Osmosis

       By: Jaceline Peirrera
Posted: 2010-06-12 07:30:17
Since water is a necessity of life, it is important to drink water free from contaminants. To treat water and make it worth drinking, different processes are used and one of best treatment methods is Reverse Osmosis. In this process of water filtration, the water goes through semi permeable membranes with minute pores and becomes clear. The impurities left behind are flushed out. If you do not get the water supply from Municipal Corporation, it becomes important for you to make use of the Reverse Osmosis system in order to treat water and make it worth drinking.There are reverse osmosis systems that have a number of stages. The best out of all these systems are the five stage systems. With the help of these systems, you can be sure that you drink the cleanest water in your home. Here is a brief description of all the five stages through which the water goes before it becomes fit for drinking.The first stage is the removal of sediments from the water. In this step all the sediments like clay, silt and stones are removed from the water. For this, a 5-micron filter is used. The sediments are filtered in order to make sure that no damage is done to the membrane. The micron filter does not let these particles pass by and thus they are suspended. The second stage of the Reverse osmosis treatment is the usage of carbon filter. The carbon filter is used to remove the chlorine and other harmful chemicals that enter the water sources. The chemicals can be harmful to human health and thus it is necessary to remove them.The third stage of reverse osmosis treatment generally focuses on passing the water from a dense and compacted carbon filter. The water that we get may have some unpleasant characteristics and this third step helps in the removal of all such characteristics. All the contaminants left in the water are removed at this stage and water becomes almost clean.In the fourth step, water passes through the membrane and all the heavy metals present in the water are removed. Along with the metals, radioactive metals too are removed. In this step, the impurities are drained out of the reverse osmosis system and clean water is separated.The fifth and the last stage in the whole process of reverse osmosis is post filtration. This may be the last step but is the most important of all. In this last stage, the bacteria, chlorine, and bad odor are removed from water. After water passes from this stage, it comes out of the faucet and is perfect for consumption.Reverse osmosis is comparatively newer method of treating water and purifying it but has emerged to be one of the best. You can contact a professional company to fix an RO system in your home so that you have access to clean and fresh water. You and your family can thus be safe and free of diseases related to water contamination.
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