Do it Yourself Search Engine Optimization

       By: James T'Just
Posted: 2010-06-10 08:33:19
If you are into affiliate marketing online to earn positive cash-flow, you are very well aware of the importance of making certain you do all you can to increase your Google website ranking regularly. The better your site ranks in the organic listings, the better your income and traffic will be (and when coupled with AdWords and other marketing strategies, can make all the difference between being the Prince or the Pauper).You almost certainly already know that a multi-dimensional backlinking profile is also primary to your accomplishment on the internet, as the important search engines like Google have certain variables for judging where a website will land in the organic searches, that most prized of all forms of traffic - since it's free! As a business owner, you ideally have a marketing strategy that includes links from diverse IP's, and from different sources. Here are a few links that you should be going for:
In-context links
Video directory links
Different C-class IP links
Social bookmarksThere are other streams of links as well: profile links (which are spammed every day and often shut down),. edu and .gov links, other authority site links, and the list goes on. Wherever you decide to get your links from, you need to commit to being continually trying to increase your Google website ranking.As you can imagine, there are only so many hours in a day, and only so many ways to generate these sorts of links. Anyone online is after one thing: the prize of a passive income, so the mediocrity of spending countless hours finding ways to finagle your way into a high-ranking .edu site in order to get a measly link is...well, to tell the truth, it's worth it when you can do so! However, most don't want to sit in front of their monitor hours a day trying to find ways to create enough links in order to rank your site or build authority.The trouble with the .gov and .edu links is that they are more difficult to come by. What are you to do?How to get more backlinks: options.Well, the solution is traditionally to hire an SEO or link-building company to do this for you, and there are many ways to go about this as well. There are many freelancing websites, for instance, where you can post a job for a link-building service, but the problem is following up and keeping track of all of these links. Are the links going to be indexed? Can you find the links in Yahoo! Site Explorer or another means? Many times, these obscure links are not indexed nor are they traceable, so you spend money and spin your wheels looking for other services...And keep in mind: if you can't find the links pointing to your site (backlinks), then neither can the search engines. If your backlinks are not indexed, you're wasting time.Many providers of backlinks will charge you a decent amount of money for link packets, so many links for so much money - and they work in most cases. Here, the problem is the ongoing expense that adds to your already super-charged marketing budget. It would be best if you could simply generate your own backlinks, from a diverse variety of sources.But you've decided already to commit to a rigorous program of making sure you get a higher Google website ranking, right?Apart from an exuberantly-priced link service, what can you do? Of course you can opt for article marketing, and single-handedly, article marketing is very lucrative a resource of links: often free, there are services available that, for a monthly fee, will submit your articles for mass distribution into special blog networks as well as directories, and the cost is usually very nominal. Usually you can submit as many articles per month as you can generate, leveraging your expense.Another feature of article marketing is that these articles, which usually have 2 links in the resource box, will be syndicated if you write well enough. More syndication, more links, more links means better ranking. So, these services are a great idea for the serious marketer.But what about link diversity?Though articles often wind up on diverse C-class IPs, and because most of these submission services create new articles with every submission (thus escaping the duplicate content "penalty" so to speak), you are still only tapping into one stream of backlinks with articles. The concern is that you may be missing a lot of traffic, which could result in more sales or clicks. Casting your net as far and wide as you are able to is a great way to see the most benefit to your business.The solution to a better Google website ranking is pretty a keyword ranking tool.The best solution would be software, some sort of keyword ranking tool, that would answer your need to improve Google ranking as much as you can. Before you buy such a tool, make sure it meets these criteria:
It would have to be able to handle several streams of backlinks.
It would need to be scalable, so that you don't wind up with a useless piece of virtual junk that sits in your registry doing nothing but providing your defragmentor something to defragment...the trouble with software is usually that having a video submitter, for instance, would be great when it's first released.
It would have the newer sites...and it would work. Given some time, your video submission tool becomes obsolete because the sites it submits to are now defunct, or the software is compromised because it can't keep up with the ever-evolving malware you just downloaded...That's but an illustration, and only one channel. What about RSS aggregators? Web 2.0 properties? Blog comments or social bookmarks? These are all other avenues of backlinks, and other avenues in which your software can become obsolete over a very brief period of time.The best software should allow you to scale it up as time went on. The best software would combine several submission services so you could take the same material (say, an article) and then syndicate it through various channels. Putting your backlinking strategy back into your hands (vs. a VA or freelancer living in another country or hemisphere as the case may be) is the only way to go, to be sure your content is just right, to be sure submission gets done right in a way that makes the most sense.Are all software programs equal?One other point that is not often mentioned but deserves consideration: is the software user-friendly? You have a business to attend to, you don't want to sit through two hours of trying to get the software to work...only to find that you've done it all wrong and are now banned from Digg or StumbleUpon or an article directory for spam...not good! Look for software that doesn't actually require you to have a PhD in technology or electrical engineering. It should be user-friendly.Lastly, you should look for software that is not only scalable, but usable right out of the box. Are there high PR sites included? Do the websites where you will be placing content onto get many visitors a day, or is it a dud directory? The backlinks on a less popular site will still "count," even if the site has no PR, but when a domain is spidered regularly, and when it seems like a popular site (like Facebook), then your content is more likely to be found.Do you have software that meets these criteria? If you'd like to learn about a search engine ranking software that meets and exceeds all the above, you can read the author's blog The Average Genius where you'll find a keyword ranking tool review that will introduce you to a brand new software meeting all of these criteria.
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