Healthy Diet Along With Skin Care Treatment

       By: Maria L. Ronie
Posted: 2010-06-03 08:25:36
Aging is a process every person experiences. Aging is something that we all arrived at. However, due to the technology today, many skin care products have come out in reducing or even eliminating aging signs, such as wrinkles, fine lines and age spots. Skin care products which have ingredients that would boost collagen production of our body to, in order maintain the firmness and moisture of the skin.These products are very effective in reducing or eliminating the skin problems of aging. This will firm out the skin and will give moisturizing effect and glowing skin and at the same time it also rejuvenates the skin and maintains its youthful look.However, when using such products, a healthy diet is also needed to aid the repair and rejuvenation done by the ingredients to ones skin. This type of eating discipline is commonly called as anti aging diet. This type of diet does not only give benefit to ones' skin but to ones' health as well.Anti aging diet needs a lot of discipline. There are many foods that are a no-no, such as; eating foods that are rich in fats and oil should definitely be avoided. Fatty foods are not healthy for the skin since the oil that the fats secrete clots the skin pores. This in turn makes the skin oily and will thereby attract free radicals to stick to the skin. And when free radicals stick to the skin damages occur. Also, the oil that clogs the pores would damage the inner layer or the epidermis and outer layer of the skin. This would damage cells and eventually wrinkles and fine lines appear. To make things worse, zits, pimples and whiteheads are appearing.The food recommended for this diet are those rich in vitamins. A carrot is rich in beta carotene which will produce vitamin A. Aside from giving one a good or normal vision, it will help the skin to be firm and moisturized. Tomatoes, a very rich fruit with lycopene, which when converted it strengthens the skin and the rest of the muscles. Avocado, a fruit that is sometime serve as a vegetable, is a good anti oxidant as it will help remove all oxidants in the body and aids in maintaining a healthy skin cells. To sum it all, drinking lots of water is very helpful to the skin. This hydrates the cells keeping it healthy and rejuvenated.However, there are fruits and vegetables that if it went through the modern processing like cooking, the vitamin content are decreased or sometimes gone. Therefore, it is widely advised to eat fruits and vegetables that are fresh.
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