Why Use VOIP? What are the Benefits?

       By: Ian Henman
Posted: 2006-09-18 20:51:51
If you have been hearing about all the buzz and fuss surrounding VoIP services and scratching your head as to what it's all about, here's the magic answer; it is a revolution in telecommunication services where you are able to make phone calls over the internet, rather then using a convetional phone line. Maybe you're still scratching your head thinking big deal? Think a little harder on this one; if this wasn't such a kick butt innovation tthen why would there be such a buzz around it.
The subscription based pc to pc (or mac) telephone setup is a juiced up version of those that were available for free on the net by other websites before. People are applying this service becuase of the benefits it has, compared to typical phone usage. Here are a few answers to common questions: why use VoIP?
Here are a few answers to common questions
Neither home or businesses used the computer based phone system previously mainly due to the clarity issues, the online phone call was said to be noisy and of lesser quality then conventional phone lines. That's the nuber one reason the new generation of voip has come up with better enhancements.
Voip services suppled by several providers in todays market are just as good as calling using a normal phone line, in fact some say even better! For comparison it is 100% better then a regular cell phones clarity. Even if you're making a call between continents theyoffer the same sound quality as calling locallyl. The greater the speed of your online connection, your clarity increases proportionally! On average, the quality only increases as you get to a 128kbps connection.Is it reliable?
When voip was introduced, people askedWhy use VoIP when it just isn't reliable, especially during power failure? Ithis was a major concern, but it's not now.
Now, if your power goes out, most service providers provide a smart system this will redirect your calls to a secondary phone number, if your system is detected to be offline. And with that advancement, the directed call can be transferred to your required alternative number such as your phone number and so on.Cost saving plans
Another answer to why use voip a normal phone company would only give limited packages; for instance prepaid or postapid for both residential or business accounts, but this Voip telephone usage offer numerous packages to choose from, according to your needs.More oftent then not, companies supply plans such as the basic and lowest price plans, best value plans, unlimited plans, business plans, and many more. With all the options and packages, you can make a choice with reference to the type of calls you make. Most packages supply afforable long distance rates, if compared with a regular phone rate. With such awesome features it will clear your doubts of asking why use VoIP phone services.
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