Acai Berry - Successful Rules to Lose Weight With This Wonderful Food

       By: George Christodoulou
Posted: 2010-02-22 02:21:42
Acai berry contains anthocyanins and flavonoids, which are compounds that protect the body against stress and aid in fighting premature aging signs. The antioxidant levels in the Acai berries are much higher when compared to that in red grapes or in red wine. They are also a good source of dietary fiber and protein and is also known to contain omega-9 and omega-6 fatty acids, which aid in the cardiovascular functioning.Acai berry is loaded with minerals and vitamins which can aid in losing weight and building muscles. Only the consumption will not make you lose weight, they are not magic berries, but they definitely are healthy for your body. Eating healthy is stepping stone to lose weight. Here are a few tips to gain from acai berries and lose weight.Exercise RegularlyAcai berries can be purchased fresh, dried or frozen at a health store near you. You can add them to your cereal, granola mix or combine them with plain low fat yoghurt. Hit the gym regularly and try to work out for at least thirty minutes a day. The more you can exercise the more are the benefits. If you can visit the gym, then try going on long walks.Know what to eatEating right is the key to losing weight and staying healthy. Hence, try to educate yourself about the healthy foods and the foods you should stay away from. Increase the intake of healthy proteins, fresh fruits and vegetables, small quantities of good carbohydrates like the brown rice, wholemeal bread, etc. If possible, completely avoid junk foods, they are the main cause behind gaining weight.Eat small quantities at regular intervalsNever have long gaps between two meals. Always eat small quantities at regular intervals. If you feel hungry in between meals, then grab a healthy snack, instead of grabbing a snack loaded with calories. You can grab an acai berry juice and feel contended.Avoid excess intake of alcoholOver indulging in intake of alcohol can increase your weight drastically. Try to cut down on the alcohol consumption when you are trying to lose weight. If you really cannot completely cut down on alcohol intake, then, restrict yourself to one beer or a glass of wine only.Indulging in regular physical activity, sticking to a healthy diet and taking additional supplements in the form of acai berry, you can easily lose excess weight and gain a perfect body. All that is required is a little will power and the desire to stay health. Once, you start noticing the results of your hard work, you are sure to stick to your plan for ever. People who start enjoying eating healthy, seldom go back to their old eating styles.Increase the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables combined with a regular work out is the best and trusted way of losing weight. You may struggle a little in the starting, but being dedicated and sticking to your plan, you are sure to achieve your dreams.
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