Stressed, Problems With Relationships, Want Better Work Life Balance? Try This and Feel the Relief

       By: Gaynor Parke
Posted: 2009-09-26 06:11:35
When you're having a busy day or just don't know what to do because there are too many things to do, try this exercise to stop the turmoil. It is one of the tricks to help you start to regain your work life balance. Stop and ask yourself what out of all the things I could do would make me feel the best right now? Sure you're answer maybe drop what you are doing and go sit on the beach and if that is possible it may be just the thing to do. But if that just isn't an option for you at that particular time what is? What is it in your present situation be it your job or being a stay at home mum or whatever you are doing right now, what is it that you enjoy doing the most? Is it that you love talking to your clients rather than the mounds of paper work you have to do? Is it that you love to play with your baby even though the housework needs attending to? Is it that listening to your favorite music helps you stop worrying about your relationship? What is it that you would prefer to do right now?When you have decided, do it. Yes just do it. You will feel the tension lift if you surrender to yourself even for a short time. "I can't I have that report due by the end of the day and I haven't started it yet" do I hear you say? "I can't I have to get dinner going or the kids will start screaming". These are all "should" responses from your head and not your heart. Your heart is where your wisdom lies and your heart is calling you to do what is best for you. Maybe 10 minutes playing with your baby will calm you enough to clam the entire family. Maybe 15 minutes talking to your favorite clients will give you the peace of mind to allow inspiration to flow and you will get the report done faster and hey you may even pick up an order. Whatever it is, surrendering to your heart guidance will always have good results.If you feel too overwhelmed to just let go and go with the flow of your heart, set a time limit on it. "I will listen to my inner guidance and do what feels good for the next 10 minutes" may be enough permission you feel comfortable giving yourself at first. Then see how you feel. If you can listen and let go you may only need 10 minutes to release the stress and tension and regain your balance. When you let go of stress you are able to regain clarity and inspiration can flow. It is inspiration not motivation that gets things done efficiently and joyfully. Inspiration comes from wisdom and motivation comes from a place of lack so isn't nearly as powerful. Doing what feels best distracts you from the worry and hurt and blame that is making you feel bad. Focusing on what feels good instantly manifests a more peaceful you and gives the Universe a chance to bring more of what you want into your experience.So next time you feel pressure and strain or stress, ask your heart wisdom, what would feel best to do right now? Doing the hard stuff first can build pressure and resentment. When you do more of what you love you will be more effective and you will enjoy your life more. The result will be you will be happier and more successful. As Joseph Campbell said, "follow your bliss". Never has there been better advice. Your bliss comes from your heart and that's where all wisdom lies.I used this principle daily when I was in sales and achieved enormous success. I use it in my relationships and in all areas of my life. Try it and enjoy the results.GaynorGaynor Parke is an author, Sales Trainer and CEO of Advanced Success Life Coaching and believes "you are the key to your success". With over 25 years of Personal Development study and vast business knowledge Gaynor is well equipped to assist people in all walks of life.Clients can achieve increased confidence, relationship and communication skills, reduced stress, greater clarity when faced with life's challenges, more vitality and zest for life plus a sense of peace and contentment.Join Gaynor's Inspiration Lounge on her website and receive coaching tips twice a month absolutely FREE plus her FREE EBook on entitled "8 Powerful Steps To Create a More Successful Life"
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