How to Keep Your Readers Glued to the Pages of Your Book

       By: Eleanor H Everett
Posted: 2009-09-13 02:54:47
"Absolutely brilliant. I couldn't put it down." Isn't that what you would like to see in your book review? I know I would. This is a review you want your readers to say when they pick up your book and start reading from the very first page. This type of book has potential for the best selling list.Believe it or not, a good review (and a lot of them) is what will bring your book closer to being a best seller.If you like to read books by other writers, which I know you do, especially if your intention is to become a published author, you have felt the same way when you picked up a book written by a favorite writer and wished it didn't have to come to an end. A book that is heart felt and captures your attention is a book that will stick with you for a very long time.This is the kind of book that will grip you by the throat and choke the breath out of you. This is the kind of book that makes the best selling list. And, If you're smart, like I know you are, this is the type of book you want to write.So what kind of book is this? Well, come on now. We all know this is a book of fiction, a page turner, a book you will be proud of as a writer. All you need is the ingredients.To begin, your protagonist needs to be in a world full of conflict, disaster, and inconsistencies. They are the good guys whether they are cops catching bad guys, a stranger off the street helping someone they don't know, or a teacher helping a group of students survive a school shooting. These are the characters that people love to read about, who they want to win no matter the cost.To develop great characters for your book, keep asking questions. It doesn't matter what they're about. Remember, characters without flaw can not change, won't have room to grow, and so they become dull and unbelieving. This will cause the reader to lose interest in your story real fast and you definetly don't want that to happen. Not at all. What you do want is to keep your readers glued to the pages of your book right up to the very last page.Questions to ask your characters when you want to get to know them:What is your name?
What do you do for work?
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite food?
Are you married?
Are you single?
Do you have any children?
Do you smoke, drink, or do drugs?
Have you killed anyone?
If you did, what was that like?
Have you ever felt like killing anyone?
Where were you born?
How old are you?
What was the day and year you were born?
Did you attend college?
What did you major in?As you can see, you can ask your characters anything you want. There is no right or wrong way about this, and there is no limit to the amount of questions you want to ask. The way I see it, the more questions you ask the better you get to know your characters, which in the long run, will create the most outstanding characters you could ever meet, or create. In other words, the better you know your characters the better your story will be.Always keep in mind when you're creating characters for your book that you might be writing your next best seller. So what are you waiting for? Write your book today
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