Acai Berry - Dr Oz Recommends Acai Berry Diet on Rachel Ray Show |
By: Orlando O. Posted: 2009-08-31 03:18:26 |
Both the Rachel Ray and Oprah shows have promoted the acai berry diet product on their programs and since then, the berries popularity as really taken off. This is mainly because of the fact that the berry has many medical benefits due to it's excellent ingredients. It seems that many people have become very interested in the berry because of it's healthy benefits.The fruit is purple in color and comes from a certain palm tree that is grown in the Amazon rain forest. The size of the berry is very similar to that of grapes. The people of South America have harvested this fruit for many years and some tribes get about 40% of their food supply from the acai berries. These natives are also known to be very healthy. the fruit is known as a super fruit because of it's high levels of antioxidants, mineral, vitamins and fibers. It has ten times more antioxidants than grapes and twice has many than blueberries.Rachel Ray recently had Dr. Oz, a well known heart surgeon, on her show and here are some of the benefits that he discussed during the program.- Reduces Appetite
- Detoxifies Body - Boost Energy Levels - Strengthens Immune System - Improves Digestive System - Reduces Bad Cholesterol - and moreRachel has also indicated that the berry removes the fats, toxins & cholesterol from the body and helps stop further blockage in the body. It keeps the digestive system intact, which will help increase the metabolic rate. It helps cleanse our colon and bowel area, which helps with our bowel movements. By having better bowel movements, this will help to reduce some of the fats in our stomach.Another benefit of the acai berry diet is that it helps to cleanse the colon. This basically removes the harmful toxins in our body that have build up over time, which will help improve our digestive system. This can help reduce some of the various diseases that we seem to encounter quite often.Some of the manufacturers of the acai berry supplement claim that the fruit can help with weight loss, but it also has many other benefits. It is already known as a cure-all supplement, not only because of the pills or capsules, but also because the diet encourages people to live a healthy lifestyle by eating properly and exercising. |
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