Baby Boomer Women Get Active to Stay Youthful

       By: Carolyn Hansen
Posted: 2009-08-11 06:32:33
As women get older and with the onset or conclusion of menopause, they will experience changes in their body composition (muscle/fat ratio) along with the size and shape of their body and overall energy level. Women may not be able to avoid menopause, but with the right exercise program, they can avoid many of the off putting physical changes that go along with it.The baby boomer women of today are different from their parents and grandparents. They have seen their elderly parents suffer and lose their independence and want to avoid the same fate happening to them. They have come to understand that the model of aging that applied to their parents is not for them.They have no intention of 'slowing down' or 'taking it easy' and will not be tolerating being called 'elderly'. They have every intention of remaining active, involved, vibrant and youthful throughout their entire lifespan. They understand and accept that to do that they will have to 'work' at it as a sedentary and inactive lifestyle will not assist them in remaining youthful through the aging process.In addition to enhancing their own health and quality of life, these baby boomer women have the opportunity to help the next generation by leading by example showing a new, active and strong view of growing older. They will be proud to be teaching young people that weakness and frailty is not an inevitable part of getting old.Staying independent is a great incentive to maintain muscle strength as you age and there are many other good reasons. Having more lean and toned muscle tissue makes it easier to avoid weight gain since muscle burns more calories than fat. Having lots more energy and endurance by being fitter and stronger enables an active lifestyle to easily be maintained right through the years.Building muscle strength also builds strong healthy bones. As muscles are attached to bones when our muscles are worked it places stress on the bones keeping them strong helping to prevent the bone-thinning disease osteoporosis. And firm, toned muscles look better giving the body a much better shape than flabby fat.Regular strength training exercise can help take off some excess body fat by increasing the calorie burning capability of the body by increasing the metabolism (the body's engine). This means you will be burning more fuel (calories) every minute of the day and night.It is important to have a strength training program that includes all of the major muscle groups and if you are new to exercise have a fitness professional set up your program and monitor it so you will achieve good results.Proper exercise needs to be a part of your lifestyle, not just a short-term activity for a limited period of time. You are never too old to start exercising and the payoff of an active lifestyle brings many positive benefits to enhance the quality of your life. Just ask anyone who is active.Do you want to discover the secret to rejuvenating your body, regaining lost vitality and improving the quality of your life? Download my free ebook "I've Found the Fountain of Youth - Let Me Show You Too!" Fountain of YouthIf you are looking to lose weight permanently go to Fitness Weight Loss for the solution and a free ebook.Carolyn Hansen is a certified fitness expert and fitness center owner who coaches clients to look and feel younger. In her nearly 30 years of fitness and bodybuilding competition experience she has helped thousands of people start their journey towards being strong, fit and youthful at any age.
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