Informative Tables and Lists Make Great SEO Content Too!

       By: Brad Lombardo
Posted: 2009-08-03 07:05:14
By now most people in the SEO world are fully aware that great site content is a big part of the game. Content is king, or so we have heard many times. Developing creative, original, relevant and keyword-rich information for your website is a very user-friendly exercise and consequently will attract many visitors to your site.Targeted content can create an even more positive impact by allowing you to access and reach out to your main market audience. User-friendly content is often spider-friendly, as well, since search engine spiders are naturally attracted to good writing, particularly if it is keyword-rich and original.Great writing is not the only way to develop great site content, and should actually be just one of several different ways to do it. Creating relevant tables and lists for your site can also considered as great content, and will drive both users and spiders to it. This is particularly true if your tables and lists are keyword-rich, contain valuable information and are easy to digest or look at.Information tables on your site which offer up details about ideas, products or services relevant to your company and/or industry are invariably good site content additions. Site viewers who find the information useful may refer others to your site on the basis of the tables themselves. Usually information tables contain important industry keywords, terms and/or phrases, so that makes them engine-friendly as well.Information lists can also attract users and spiders, particularly if they are rich in keywords and industry terms or phrases. Lists containing the names, positions and companies of industry contacts, for example, can be very strong site content sources. Users searching for information on a particular person or business in your industry, for example, may stumble across your site if that person's name and/or the business in question are included on one of your information lists. Initially that particular user may not have been trying to access your site, but there is a strong possibility that, once there, your new visitor may stay awhile and look around. After all, he or she is likely from your industry community, and as such there is a good chance that your site will be of interest, at the very least. It is a safe bet to say that such a user should be viewed as highly qualified traffic.The bottom line is this: keep on developing great writing content for you site, but do not ignore the idea of adding informative tables, lists and other such features to your site. Also, make sure that these tables and lists are revised and updated, and that other informative tables and lists are added on an ongoing basis. That way you be assured that new, original, and very keyword-rich content is being continually added in areas other than straight descriptive writing. And when you go to bed at night you will sleep tight, confident in the knowledge that both users and spiders are continuing to visit and crawl your site, because the information there is varied, useful and industry-specific.Brad Lombardo received his B.Ed. from the University of Toronto and M.A. from McGill University. He has worked as a business manager, marketing consultant, account executive, admissions counselor, high school teacher and sportswriter. He has written a still to be published hockey book, and is currently penning a movie script based on his experiences as a Canadian teenager living in Spain.
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