How to Sabotage Your PPC Campaign

       By: Jason Nyback
Posted: 2009-07-25 08:07:22
There are three main ways you can destroy your chances of success with a pay per click campaign:• Allowing Google to set your campaign up for you• Hiring an expensive professional to do the work for you• Not doing your homework before coordinating your campaignAllowing Google to do the work for you is a mistake. Google's suggested keywords, default settings and general advice are not geared to help users earn the biggest bucks. Guess who profits from Google's advice. I've give you a hint ... it's not the AdWords user who just fell into the trap.While hiring a professional isn't always a complete mistake, spending huge bucks based on ludicrous claims is. Most of what these professionals will do for your campaign can be learned and implemented in a reasonably short time frame. Rather than spending your advertising dollars on someone else's salary, take the time to ...Do your homework! Before launching any PPC campaign, you absolutely must conduct extensive keyword research and understand your market. You also need to understand the point of a pay per click campaign. As you can see, all three of the biggest pay per click mistakes relate to the set up of a campaign. As the old saying goes, if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. No matter what you read on any "expert's" site or in a free eBook, understand that the best way to get your PPC campaign calibrated for optimum profits is to study pay per click campaigns and learn the secrets of success from the best.
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