Popular and Effective Home Remedy For Piles

       By: Debbie J. Parker
Posted: 2009-07-22 06:17:40
Perhaps everyone who has experienced hemorrhoids will tell you that the pain is unbearable and that doctors will not immediately issue prescription. Instead, the doctors will advise you to try some home remedies to cure it. If the hemorrhoid does not go away, that is the only time you will be told to get medication. The problem is that you will be wasting your money paying for a doctor' fee when you can learn home remedy for piles right here.Home remedy for piles does not always involve materials or herbal chemicals as others would suggest. Sometimes the only requirement is to walk or to stay in positions for short periods of times. A common suggestion as a home remedy for piles is not to prolong standing or sitting. These positions will put too much pressure on the pelvic and anal area and will cause the veins to swell. If this happens, piles and hemorrhoids will occur.A popular remedy for piles is to drink milk. Milk helps reduce the heat in the body and this evens out the blood circulation. Radish paste is also a popular method in reducing the pain caused by piles. Other methods used are drinking juice made out of coriander and applying cumin seeds paste in the affected area. Well, it was said that you are what you eat. Diet is also a critical factor when dealing with hemorrhoids because what you eat also tells whether you will get diarrhea or constipation.Another popular home remedy for piles is ice therapy. This is done through applying cold compress in the affected area and then making a follow up with a hot compress. The goal again here is to promote better blood circulation and make the swelling reduce in size. With less blood in the hemorrhoid, there is also less likelihood of bleeding.
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