Causes of Rosacea - The Primary Cause and Triggering Factors of This Skin Problem

       By: Carolyn Anderson
Posted: 2009-07-13 06:35:34
Rosacea is a skin disorder where the person suffers redness of the face which is often mistaken to be acne. Aside from the redness and blushing of the face, which some sufferers may first think is just sunburned skin, it may sometimes have bumps that are similar to acne. This is probably why this is sometimes referred to as acne rosacea.

Most often, this skin problem affects people from ages 30 to 60 years old and light-skinned women are most likely the victims of this skin disorder, although men can also experience severe cases of rosacea. Some may experience this skin problem every now and then and some can also have cases that may worsen over time.

Like acne, the symptoms occur mostly on the face, thus it also affects the sufferer psychologically and socially.

The causes of Rosacea have not really been determined. Some researchers pointed out that heredity and environmental factors are the possible causes of rosacea. There are also triggering factors that are identified to give rise to outbreaks of these skin condition but the primary causes of rosacea were not determined until lately. A research team in the University of California, San Diego Dermatology Department headed by Dr.Richard Gallo has found that the overproduction of enzymes SCTE (stratum corneum tryptic) and cathelicidin in the body bring about abnormal proteins that cause the occurrence of rosacea.

With this discovery, antibiotics may not work as an effective cure against rosacea. Aside from these, there have been many triggering factors that have been identified that worsen or cause outbreaks of rosacea in most people. Exposure to extreme temperatures, sauna and hot baths and strenuous exercise are said to trigger the outbreak of rosacea. Spicy foods, hot beverages and stress are also seen to trigger their outbreak. Drugs such as corticosteroids and those that tend to dilate the vessels are also seen to worsen the condition. Although alcohol can cause flushing of the face, it is however not one of the causes of rosacea.

If you have been suffering from symptoms of rosacea, it is always advisable to seek medical attention before they get worse and affect your social life. Rosacea can be mild, which is characterized by blushing every now and then, which may be accompanied by pimples, or it can be moderate or severe. In the case of severe rosacea, you may experience a lot of bumps on the face and your nose may become bulbous and blood vessels may tend to be visible on the face. As this is often mistaken as acne, carefully check the symptoms properly and do not just directly grab those acne medications.

There are also things you can do to alleviate the symptoms. You can avoid the triggering factors like protecting the face from the sun by wearing sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher, wearing a mask or scarf in winter and avoiding facial products that contain alcohol that may be harsh to the skin. Also avoid exposure to too much heat as well as eating spicy foods and drinking alcohol that may all worsen your skin condition. If you think your skin problem is affecting your daily life, you can however seek medical help for your condition.Carolyn Anderson is a writer who loves to share information on living a good life by using natural and holistic way of treating skin problems we commonly encounter in our lives. For natural ways to eliminate rosacea, check out the resource Banish Rosacea. Also recommended is the Psoriasis Miracle Breakthrough to help you get rid of psoriasis naturally and permanently.
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