Flat Fee MLS - A Fast Track to Sell Your Property

       By: John R Roberts
Posted: 2009-05-26 06:43:36
This is exclusively for sale by the owner who would like to sell their home quickly with less expense. The days of paying large fees have gone. To list your home in the local MLS, you need not run from pillar to post. If you have internet, visit any of the flat fee MLS website and get registered with them. The moment you pay a flat fee (normally around $300) for listing your home in the multiple listing services they will start working for the benefit of you. A reputable broker will be appointed to add your property details in the local MLS. Simultaneously the details of your property will be flashed in hundreds of websites and will be viewed by thousands.What is the sales process with Flat Fee MLS Listing Service?
As soon as you register your property with the MLS site, the company takes responsibility to list your property in your local realtor MLS system. By this method you have two options of selling your property. First is, buyers who are in need of home/property may contact you after viewing your ad. In this case you can directly deal with the buyer, negotiate and complete the deal. Your total expense in this method is only the flat fee. That is reason why people choose flat fee MLS listing service for the sale of their property.How effective is Flat Fee MLS?
Internet surveys give a clear picture that more than 80% of the property is sold with the buyers finding their homes on the internet web sites. This facilitates more number of buyers to contact the seller. When there is more demand for your property, the price offered by the buyer is also more.Why are the benefits?
Even though the routines in both traditional real estate listings and flat fee MLS listings are the same, the amount you spend to sell your property will have massive difference. Research has led to a rough calculation that a seller saves thousands. At the same time, even for not doing any work you will be paying a huge amount as commission to the traditional agencies. They take an undertaking from the seller and one cannot breach the contract in the middle. At any cost even if the buyer is your neighbor you will have to pay the entire commission.Selling home is easy if you choose the right person as your guide. There are more and more websites that is offering the service of Flat Fee MLS listing. Find out the company which has experience and reputable brokers in order to make your sale fast for a good price.John is the author of Low Cost MLS articles for Low Cost MLS. You can find more information at Low Cost MLS.
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