Cold Calling - 6 Best Selling Tips When Contacting a Customer Cold

       By: Sean R Mize
Posted: 2009-05-25 07:22:33
Cold calling can be really the most hated selling technique by some buyers but there is no doubt that it is one of the most effective.Here are some of the best cold calling tips:1. Plan ahead. Before you dial any number, make sure that you have a list of all the people that you will be calling throughout the day, your sales script, copy of rebuttals to address common objections, a pen and a note pad.2. Practice. Practice everything that you need to say at least a couple of times before you place the first call. Watch your intonation, diction, speed, and volume.3. Start the call with a warm greeting. Make sure that your voice reflects enthusiasm to capture the attention of your prospects. After greeting them, give them brief information about yourself and the company that you represent.4. Be direct to the point. Don't waste your prospects' time by being straightforward. Tell them upfront the reason why you are calling them (to set an appointment). Also, give them the most important information about your products and services. You can communicate their benefits and their selling points.5. Be specific. When setting the appointment, ask them for specific date and time. Instead of saying "How's next week sound?" say, "Alright, I'll be calling you again on Thursday, around 5pm."6. Be patient. Interested buyers might ask millions of questions about your products and services. As a seller, you need to have a truck load of patience and you must sound like you are having a great time answering your prospects' questions.
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