Time: How a Person Can Organize a Year in a Day

       By: Jack Wilson
Posted: 2006-08-20 18:26:50
The way to organize a year in a day: One thing at a time; a man or a woman in this fast-paced world wants to live life fully yet have enough time to savor every part of it. A child has an eye for everything it sees; every place is new and fresh; there is little organization. A man or a woman focuses on the moment, the day, the week, work, whatever the case in front of him or her might be. The government or the company, the group, the problem, the fact or a number of facts becomes the only matter. Time becomes jam-packed.One of the most primal needs of a person is sleep. Science has probed this subject endlessly and still we don't quite know why we sleep. About as close as we have been able to come to answering the question is to say that it is a time when the body and brain recover from the demands made on them during the day. However, some people live hectic lives and sleep little, yet function well. Others have few challenges and sleep a lot and don't thrive.The first consideration in planning your year is to determine the optimum sleep period for you every night and arrange your life to accommodate that need. If you don't do that, everything else will tumble down around you.Next consider nutrition. Arrange your days so that you can eat well in a relaxed environment at more or less regular times.In order to effectively achieve your short-term tasks and long-term goals, you need to build in lots of empty space. Take breaks often; plan on open zones in which you have no responsibilities and can do anything you want.Ultimately you will be more successful in your endeavors and more whole as a person.Arrange your day so that the more demanding jobs are scheduled when you are most alert and energetic. For some this is early in the day, for others late. You will have to determine which is best for you.Be sure to do at least one thing each day which is deeply satisfying to you, regardless of how it seems to others. Go to bed at night knowing that you did something during that day that was rewarding to you.Apply these principles which make up your day to your week, month, year, or longer span and your life will be smoother: proper sleep, proper nutrition, satisfying work and lots of free space.Let's see, what have I left out? Oh, yes, love. If you don't make room for love, the rest doesn't matter all that much.
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