How to Cast Away Fear When You Feel Scared, Panic, and Fearful

       By: Entjik Jeffrie
Posted: 2006-08-16 20:13:13
I know that you and I have to face our fear from time to time, and I understand that sometimes that you don't know what to do when you are scared and you will go into a panic mode. So what do you do when you feel scared, fearful and panic?Most people become scared when they lose control of their situation or circumstances. You enter into an airplane and then the airplane goes through turbulence, and you have no control of the airplane and you get scared that you may lose your life if the airplane crashes and you totally have no control over it.Some people get scared when they look like a big, hairy and fat spider, snake, or a rat. You must recognize your fear and deal with it. The two things that most people are afraid of is number 1 fear that most people have is the fear of death and the second fear that most people have is the fear of public speaking.I was reading my devotional book and I realized that the Lord our God doesn't give us the spirit of fear, but the spirit of power, love, and peace! There were times when I was asked to speak in front of thousand of people, I felt the fear in my stomach, but I decided to pray and to remember that the Lord my God lives in me and He is the one who enables me to speak to bring glory and honor to His name. As soon as, I make my peace with God, God gives me to power and anointing of the spirit to speak and cast away my fear, so I have to deliver the message of hope and deliverance to thousand of His people.He also said in the book of Hebrew 13:4-6 that God will never leave you, nor will He ever forsake you, so you can say it with confidence that the Lord is our helper. Fear and panic come when we rely on ourselves, but when we learn to rely on Him and God alone, all fear will be cast away, since His perfect love casts away all fear!God doesn’t give us the spirit of fear, but He gives us the Spirit of Love, Power, Peace and Sound of Mind! He is the source of peace, He is the source of power, and He is the source of wisdom and courage! I do believe that there is the power of good and evil in this world. If God doesn't give us the spirit of fear, so where does the fear come from? Fear comes from the evil one. God's perfect love will cast away fear.Many people never start their own business because they are so afraid to fail! You and I were babies at some point of our life, we all had to learn how to walk, and when we learn something new, failing or falling is unavoidable. It is part of the learning and growing process!Many people don’t want to start a new relationship because they are scared to get hurt again because of their painful previous relationship that failed. To love someone sometimes is to risk that you may not get the love back.God so loved the world that He gave His only Son to save this world, but the people that He came to save, rejected Him, even though He loved His people.So brothers and sisters, it’s time to stand up now, for fear doesn’t belong in your heart and life! There is no time for us to fear and to be paralyzed by it! It is time to give our life to the Lord and Let Him do His perfect works in us and free us from the bondage of fear!Feel free to write me if you are struggling with fear, loneliness and desperation, we will pray for you. For now, I want you to say this out loud in your room where ever you read this article, “The Lord is my helper, I will not fear, no one will stand against me because the Lord lives in me and He is with me, through Him I can do anything!”
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