Short Simple Comebacks to Silence Workplace Bullying

       By: Valerie Cade
Posted: 2008-10-18 08:34:34
You've mustered the courage to say something. You think, "I have finally stood up to the office bully," and when you do, they deliver a harsh comeback. Are you prepared?Be prepared - there will most likely be a comeback from most office bullies when they are confronted. Remember, they do not care, and they are often not aware. Also remember, if they operated from a secure place of high self-esteem, they would naturally reach out to your statements with concern and compassion. Remember whom you are dealing with.You've said something...There's a comeback...Now it's your turn!And you can use this short simple approach with all office bullies:Less Is More.Here are three "Less Is More" short simple comebacks to help you deal with bullying in the workplace.1. Office bullies who talk on and on, pressuring you to agree with them. You feel you have to say something, but you don't want to give your power away by showing you agree.Less is More: Say "Interesting" or "Oh." This does not commit you!2. Office bullies who are rude with sarcasm, put-downs or backhanded statements that are not necessarily direct, but harmfully subtle. You want to address it, so you say, "That seems direct" or "That seems harsh" or "That seems like a put-down to me." The concept of using, "That seems" highlights your perception only, and it is enough of a diffusing comment to confuse the power plan of most office bullies.3. Sometimes we feel we have to have a comeback in order to be powerful. Be silent and just stare back with confidence. This is the position that says, "that comeback doesn't even deserve an acknowledgment."Valerie Cade is a workplace bullying expert and author of Bully Free At Work. Find out the Top 39 Tips to stop workplace bullying.
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