Appearance Matters

       By: Alain Burrese
Posted: 2008-10-08 05:39:24
Most of us get up in the morning, go through our morning rituals, that include getting dressed, and head off to the office. Depending on where we work, and our position, what we wear may be determined by specific dress codes implemented by our employer. In other situations we may be the one deciding the dress code, and in others we may wear whatever we choose. Regardless of where you fall in the above scenarios, the choices you make when getting dressed can affect negotiations.I started thinking about this the other day as I prepared for the day and recognized that I had a meeting scheduled for that afternoon. This meeting was to be the first time I met with the opposing party I would be negotiating with over a construction job. My client was in California and I was meeting with a couple of contractors to discuss certain parts of the job that my client believed were not satisfactory and some differences with what was being invoiced. My client hoped that with my help we could resolve the differences without resorting to further legal proceedings.I believe we all need to understand the image we project to others by they way we look. Sure, we shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but we all do. In the world of publishing, which I know a little about, covers are extremely important. If a book fails to have an attractive or inviting cover and title, the potential buyer may never pick it up to see what's inside. I remember doing an experiment with a couple of my classmates for a communications class as an undergrad. One partner was observing what went on, the other partner was wearing very nice clothes and well groomed, while I was wearing my old painting clothes and hadn't shaved for a few days. We went into the nicest clothing store in Missoula to see what would happen. My well dressed partner had salespeople asking him if he needed assistance left and right. I wandered around the store without anyone approaching to help me.Appearance matters.Your personal dress and grooming can affect the image you project, how others react to you, and may affect negotiations. Choosing the image you wish to project can influence your effectiveness as an advocate for your client, your effectiveness as a negotiator, and the outcome of your negotiations.A simple example would be at a car dealership. If you drive in with an expensive car wearing a suit and watch that are worth more than many people's automobiles, you may have a difficult time convincing the salesperson that you can't afford the price he has set on the car you wish to purchase. There may be other negotiating factors, but saying, "I just can't afford that much," will not be a credible negotiating position. Another example is when interviewing. The clothing you wear should make you look like you will fit in at the prospective employer's office. Even if the company is more business casual, for the interview it is recommended to dress more formally.In some situations, you may wish to enter a room dressed in the most expensive suit in your wardrobe to project an image of an affluential attorney. Other times it may be beneficial to take the Columbo approach by being a little unorganized and disheveled. It really depends on the situation and your goals. The important thing to remember is your appearance can make a difference.With all of that said, appearance will not make up for a lack of knowledge or preparation. I believe appearance is important, and in some situations it is extremely important, but it is not the only thing. In the Style section of the July 26, 2007 issue of the Wall Street Journal, Christina Binkley talked to Colony Capital LLC chairman Thomas J. Barrack, Jr. about his choice of clothes when attending international negotiations worth mega millions. After giving some fashion advice, Mr. Barrack says that he disregards all the fashion advice he just gave if the people he is dealing with show that they have intellectual depth. Regardless of what you are wearing, you must know what you are talking about and be prepared when you sit down to the negotiating table. If you do not have any substance behind that Brioni suit you will not be taken seriously and your negotiations will suffer.The bottom line in any negotiation is to be prepared. But you must also recognize that there are many factors that may affect negotiations. Your appearance and the image you project are important. Recognize this and the clothes you put on will be one more factor in being completely prepared.Alain Burrese, J.D. is a mediator/attorney with Bennett Law Office P.C. and an author/speaker through his own company Burrese Enterprises Inc. He writes and speaks about a variety of topics focusing on the business areas of negotiation and success principles as well as self-defense and safety topics. He is the author of Hard-Won Wisdom From the School of Hard Knocks, several instructional dvds, and numerous articles. You can find out more about Alain Burrese at his websites
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