Success and the Life You Deserve - How to Achieve Your Dreams and Goals to Change Your Life Forever

       By: Connie Ragen Green
Posted: 2008-09-08 01:49:43
Success is a very personal thing. Can you remember when you first thought about becoming successful in your own life? Perhaps it had to do with a job, a relationship, or achieving a goal in a sport you were participating in. No matter what the reason, the feeling of success most likely stood out prominently in your mind.Over the years we tend to allow situations and other people stand in the way of our success. Someone else is promoted at work, we suffer a failed marriage, or a health crisis causes us to change our lifestyle in a major way. These life experiences beat us down, and sometimes we feel like giving up. We then feel like success will elude us forever and we give up on our dreams.

If this describes you, know that it is never too late to become successful in any area of your life. My life was going along for many years in a less than satisfactory way. I was working at two jobs, both of which I did not enjoy, and it was difficult to make ends meet. I also had battled cancer three different times during a fifteen year period, so my physical condition had deteriorated. I felt sorry for myself much of the time. I had come to believe that other people were meant to be happy and enjoy life more, but that it would always be a struggle for me. I had few friends and spent my free time alone. It was not a happy existence.

Three years ago I decided to make a dramatic change in my life. I felt like I had nothing to lose. I began to read and to attend seminars that were based on some success principles. After a few months I began to feel differently about my life. I had hope once again, something I had not experienced since I was in my early twenties. It was like I was seeing the world through different eyes. It was wonderful!

Within a year I had moved to a new city, lost a significant amount of weight, and began to volunteer with some non-profit groups in my new city. I also left my old jobs, and began to write and build a business for myself that I could do from home.

When I look back I feel bad that I lost so many years. All of that time I could have had the financial and personal success I now enjoy, but I just did not know where to begin. Once I learned a few of the secrets my life changed completely. I have now made it my mission to reach as many people as possible so that they can also enjoy success in their own lives. I encourage you to begin right now to discover how you can achieve your goals and dreams and live the life you deserve.And now I invite you to learn more by visiting to see how you can achieve success and live the life of your dreams.Connie Ragen Green is an author and teacher who has achieved great success through the principles she has learned since 2005.
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