How You Can Reverse Your Emotions of Failure

       By: Kingsley Geddes
Posted: 2008-09-06 04:05:29
Did you recognize the added word in there? How you can reverse your emotion of failure.You see we deal with emotions and there's nothing wrong with it but it can work against you if not controlled.Emotions is what makes you do something, that motivation that push, it makes you feel happy, sad, down, upbeat, low, joyful... did you recognize the interaction between those, they give of different emotion when heard as you interpret and relate it to a certain mood.One of the best ways to explain this is with a business deal that depended upon my call...What happened was I was closing a big deal with a guy, since many business launches miserably failed (even ones not mentioned as pondering on them does no good).I resorted to dealing in liquidated goods negotiating talks were on going for a week or so, the goods that I would get were in great condition all unopened and still in its original package.The price that I was to pay for the goods was still negotiable and the guy was reluctant to go any lower.I used a last resort technique and said to him I will come back to him, but I said to him before I left:"If this price is as far as you will go then that's fine, however rememberwhat any good is it to stick to this price... yes, you will get some buyersbut when and how much of the stock will they take at that price"."I had thought that the longer the stock stays here the more expense it is on you,so I would say even if you want that price for the stock it maybe in yourbest interest to agree with me on my price and I will take the whole lot".I left it as that and now my plan was to keep silent, but a whole week went and he never called and I started to think that maybe he has sold them at that price, a few more days went and I was assuming he definitely cleared it all.I wanted in on these goods and couldn't wait no longer so I was going to call him and just agree on his price as I knew I had buyers for it.When it came to calling him I couldn't find his number, his number had been misplaced and when it hit me that his number was nowhere to be found, I wanted him to call me.My thought pattern was focused on him calling me and the very next day my phone rang in the morning it was him.He explained that since we spoke a week ago he had sold some of the goods the day after we met, but a lot are still here do I still want them.With this information I said yes and had him agree on an even a lower price.There's been many other times when I've used it, some people use it unknowingly without realising like I did as a child, I had a raffle ticket for some prizes, the top prize was a game boy.I remember telling my mother repeatedly that I was going to win it; the only reply I got was yea ok, and any guesses who won it?I never knew I was using that power I just wanted the damn thing so much.One of the best memories I have to date and hold onto is the success of an concert after party event that I and a small group put together, meeting stars that you grew up listening to their music is a wonderful feeling, even more so when you know you were apart of showcasing the event.At the time it seemed as a sheer accident how everything slipped into place for this after party and on the surface to many around it would appear that way.What had happened was a guy who was meant to do the after party, pulled out at the last minute and the event manager who was managing the concert needed someone to organise the official after party.Holding an event of this stature was a goal of mine from several months back, and I willingly took the opportunity, stepped to the plate and put my small team together.With only two and a half weeks to promote the event it was a sell out!Can you see what's occurring here? Can you see what it is I was doing?The utilisation of thought to attract people and things, its accessible to us all you have just got to begin using it.Prior to business success I had one deep fear and that was fear of failure, this was the reason for the failures, once the removal of fear was gone by attracting positive force this is when my business acceleration began.Attraction is the fundamental element throughout the boundless universe, an abundance of free flowing energy that's waiting for you to use.This is so crucial to you and your well being and to your everyday endeavours, if you do not begin to use this and still give thought to your fear, then you can forget about it.You can buy every product out there known to man to better yourself or your business, but if you don't change this one tiny thing you stand no chance.It's got to go partner!You can get more quality information in this 5-part mini course, 'How To Get Unfair Business Advantages'
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